Fielding splits for 21 Savage: lf cf rf gb/fb 19/ 22 61/ 65 29/ 29 ld 1/ 6 6/ 15 3/ 4 Fielding splits for Adam Moran: 2b 3b gb/fb 31/ 50 21/ 31 ld 1/ 7 0/ 2 Fielding splits for Amelia Bedelia: 1b 3b lf gb/fb 43/ 56 8/ 11 12/ 14 ld 4/ 13 2/ 3 0/ 2 Fielding splits for August Beer: lf cf rf gb/fb 28/ 29 14/ 15 14/ 14 ld 3/ 8 1/ 5 2/ 5 Fielding splits for Brian O'Conner: 1b 3b lf cf gb/fb 2/ 2 7/ 8 18/ 22 1/ 2 ld 0/ 0 0/ 2 1/ 11 0/ 2 Fielding splits for Canaan Banana: 1b cf rf gb/fb 27/ 32 16/ 19 8/ 9 ld 2/ 7 2/ 10 0/ 3 Fielding splits for Cat Power: lf rf gb/fb 23/ 24 37/ 39 ld 0/ 5 0/ 9 Fielding splits for Charles Mason: 2b 3b gb/fb 17/ 21 78/108 ld 0/ 1 14/ 36 Fielding splits for Daniel Bernoulli: 1b ss rf gb/fb 1/ 5 29/ 46 0/ 0 ld 0/ 0 1/ 7 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Denis Law: 3b rf gb/fb 93/142 16/ 17 ld 7/ 26 1/ 3 Fielding splits for Dicaprio Bootle: 2b 3b gb/fb 53/ 86 14/ 18 ld 1/ 7 1/ 3 Fielding splits for Dil Pickles: 3b ss gb/fb 21/ 30 34/ 49 ld 1/ 5 1/ 5 Fielding splits for Diotisalvi: 1b 2b ss gb/fb 9/ 15 27/ 39 122/177 ld 0/ 4 1/ 4 11/ 30 Fielding splits for Dominic Toretto: 1b 2b 3b ss cf gb/fb 0/ 1 63/ 96 3/ 7 2/ 4 4/ 4 ld 0/ 0 3/ 18 0/ 0 1/ 1 0/ 0 Fielding splits for Duke Frederick: lf cf rf gb/fb 3/ 3 31/ 35 59/ 67 ld 0/ 0 5/ 12 3/ 12 Fielding splits for Elana Meyers Taylor: 1b 3b gb/fb 7/ 10 35/ 48 ld 0/ 3 5/ 15 Fielding splits for Emily Cooper: 2b ss gb/fb 51/ 72 1/ 1 ld 7/ 15 0/ 0 Fielding splits for Henrik Ingebrigtsen: 1b 2b 3b gb/fb 8/ 10 34/ 46 21/ 30 ld 1/ 5 2/ 8 2/ 10 Fielding splits for Jared Champion: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 26/ 39 5/ 8 22/ 38 ld 0/ 8 0/ 1 7/ 11 Fielding splits for Jennifer Walters: 1b cf gb/fb 21/ 33 91/107 ld 1/ 3 10/ 27 Fielding splits for Jimmy Butler: cf rf gb/fb 25/ 29 32/ 32 ld 3/ 10 0/ 6 Fielding splits for Jody Summer: 1b 3b cf gb/fb 0/ 1 2/ 6 6/ 8 ld 0/ 0 1/ 2 0/ 0 Fielding splits for John III: lf cf rf gb/fb 1/ 1 40/ 44 56/ 56 ld 0/ 0 2/ 8 1/ 17 Fielding splits for John Langdon Down: 1b ss gb/fb 9/ 13 19/ 36 ld 0/ 0 1/ 6 Fielding splits for KT Tunstall: 1b 2b gb/fb 9/ 14 19/ 30 ld 0/ 0 2/ 5 Fielding splits for Le Beau: 1b 2b gb/fb 18/ 28 29/ 48 ld 1/ 7 0/ 10 Fielding splits for Levy Rozman: cf rf gb/fb 48/ 53 71/ 74 ld 3/ 10 7/ 29 Fielding splits for Lexi Boling: lf cf rf gb/fb 13/ 13 38/ 39 4/ 4 ld 2/ 9 3/ 12 0/ 2 Fielding splits for Libon: lf cf rf gb/fb 12/ 14 51/ 56 41/ 42 ld 0/ 2 3/ 15 1/ 7 Fielding splits for Lil B: 1b ss gb/fb 37/ 51 33/ 42 ld 2/ 7 1/ 6 Fielding splits for Lil Uzi Vert: 1b 2b 3b gb/fb 8/ 8 40/ 57 6/ 11 ld 1/ 2 7/ 15 0/ 2 Fielding splits for Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa: 1b ss gb/fb 18/ 38 2/ 3 ld 2/ 12 0/ 0 Fielding splits for Melisa Raouf: 1b 2b gb/fb 9/ 14 10/ 16 ld 0/ 6 1/ 2 Fielding splits for Petrus Johannes Keizer: lf rf gb/fb 12/ 12 78/ 87 ld 0/ 2 9/ 29 Fielding splits for Qshondrickson Doran: 1b 3b ss gb/fb 9/ 15 35/ 50 10/ 13 ld 3/ 5 4/ 11 2/ 5 Fielding splits for Ragnalla: 2b lf gb/fb 5/ 7 56/ 62 ld 1/ 3 4/ 19 Fielding splits for Raven Saunders: 1b 3b gb/fb 39/ 59 21/ 36 ld 4/ 7 4/ 10 Fielding splits for Sean Dean: 1b 2b gb/fb 8/ 13 15/ 20 ld 2/ 4 2/ 7 Fielding splits for Shackleford Stanwick: 2b 3b gb/fb 9/ 11 3/ 7 ld 0/ 2 0/ 0 Fielding splits for Shaolin Sandor Liu: 1b 2b 3b ss gb/fb 3/ 5 17/ 21 39/ 58 12/ 15 ld 0/ 0 2/ 3 2/ 16 0/ 2 Fielding splits for Sophie Dahl: 3b ss gb/fb 17/ 23 24/ 31 ld 0/ 5 4/ 11 Fielding splits for St. Gregory II: lf cf rf gb/fb 6/ 7 47/ 51 4/ 4 ld 0/ 0 0/ 9 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Stephen III: 1b 2b 3b ss gb/fb 8/ 10 18/ 25 41/ 58 14/ 23 ld 0/ 3 0/ 4 1/ 10 1/ 3 Fielding splits for Sunshine Crump: lf cf gb/fb 3/ 3 5/ 5 ld 2/ 4 1/ 7 Fielding splits for The Reality Chip: 1b 3b ss gb/fb 16/ 21 19/ 25 13/ 15 ld 1/ 8 1/ 4 1/ 9 Fielding splits for Tiny Archibald: lf rf gb/fb 32/ 36 10/ 12 ld 4/ 6 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Tom Scott: lf rf gb/fb 14/ 14 19/ 19 ld 0/ 2 1/ 6 Fielding splits for Tommy Docherty: 2b ss gb/fb 113/139 17/ 22 ld 10/ 25 1/ 3 Fielding splits for Travis Good: lf cf gb/fb 111/114 8/ 10 ld 8/ 24 2/ 3 Fielding splits for Tyson Chandler: 1b 3b ss gb/fb 11/ 13 6/ 11 95/150 ld 0/ 1 0/ 0 8/ 28 Fielding splits for Venus Williams: 3b cf gb/fb 87/114 35/ 39 ld 8/ 30 7/ 17 Fielding splits for Vlade Divac: lf cf gb/fb 90/ 99 25/ 29 ld 2/ 12 1/ 3 Fielding splits for Wilhelt the Rotcleaver: 1b 2b gb/fb 36/ 53 23/ 27 ld 2/ 11 2/ 7 Fielding splits for Yug-Siturath: lf cf gb/fb 76/ 80 79/ 85 ld 7/ 24 8/ 18 Fielding splits for Yvette Sylvander: lf cf rf gb/fb 17/ 17 105/116 18/ 19 ld 2/ 7 10/ 35 3/ 10