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Year 132 Playoff Pitching Leaders (before games of day 3-13)

Run Average / SP
1.Skip Intro (INT)1.88
2.Alisson (KRA)2.51
3.J Eno (SEA)2.86
4.L Armstrong (SEA)3.12
5.H Berry (MIL)3.26
6.Sergio Busquets (KRA)3.65
7.L Carter (MIL)6.23
8.N Jokic (BAL)7.94
9.Gandalf W (MTG)8.44
10.LB James (BAL)9.00
Run Average / RP
1.El Chopo (SEA)0.00 (7.0)
iDubbbz (INT)0.00 (3.0)
V Enyeama (KRA)0.00 (2.2)
S Pompey (BAL)0.00 (2.2)
O Thorpe (BAL)0.00 (2.0)
6.L Tyler (MIL)1.80
7.S Mandanda (KRA)2.25
8.H Schafer (MIL)3.18
9.Tekuthal (MTG)3.38
Karlach (MTG)3.38
1.L Armstrong (SEA)3
2.J Eno (SEA)2
H Berry (MIL)2
4.10 with1
Win-Loss %
1.L Armstrong (SEA)1.000 (3)
Karlach (MTG)1.000 (1)
CityNerd (INT)1.000 (1)
4.J Eno (SEA)0.667
H Berry (MIL)0.667
6.6 with0.500
Win Probability Added
1.El Chopo (SEA)0.676
2.J Eno (SEA)0.636
3.Skip Intro (INT)0.513
4.L Armstrong (SEA)0.298
5.G Bol (MIL)0.291
6.M Yeoh (MIL)0.262
7.Sergio Busquets (KRA)0.217
8.H Schafer (MIL)0.216
9.iDubbbz (INT)0.165
10.Y Thug (SEA)0.151
Win Shares
1.L Armstrong (SEA)1.21
2.J Eno (SEA)1.18
3.Skip Intro (INT)1.04
4.H Berry (MIL)0.74
5.El Chopo (SEA)0.71
6.Alisson (KRA)0.57
7.Sergio Busquets (KRA)0.52
8.N Jokic (BAL)0.48
9.G Bol (MIL)0.39
10.Y Thug (SEA)0.36
Support-Neutral Wins
1.J Eno (SEA)1.93
2.L Armstrong (SEA)1.44
3.Skip Intro (INT)1.27
4.Alisson (KRA)1.07
5.L Carter (MIL)1.04
6.H Berry (MIL)1.01
7.Sergio Busquets (KRA)0.93
8.G Bol (MIL)0.88
9.BB King (SEA)0.43
10.Gandalf W (MTG)0.22
Support-Neutral Value Added
1.Skip Intro (INT)0.49
2.J Eno (SEA)0.45
3.G Bol (MIL)0.33
4.Alisson (KRA)0.28
5.L Armstrong (SEA)0.27
6.Sergio Busquets (KRA)0.20
7.BB King (SEA)0.09
8.H Berry (MIL)0.05
9.33 with0.00
Pitching Runs Above Avg
1.J Eno (SEA)5.3
2.Skip Intro (INT)5.1
3.Sergio Busquets (KRA)4.0
4.L Armstrong (SEA)3.5
5.Alisson (KRA)3.2
6.El Chopo (SEA)3.0
7.S Mandanda (KRA)1.6
8.iDubbbz (INT)1.5
9.S Pompey (BAL)1.1
10.4 with1.0
1.Sergio Busquets (KRA)0.81
2.Skip Intro (INT)0.91
3.J Eno (SEA)0.92
4.L Armstrong (SEA)1.23
5.Karlach (MTG)1.31
6.Alisson (KRA)1.33
7.H Berry (MIL)1.40
8.L Carter (MIL)1.62
9.Gandalf W (MTG)2.06
10.N Jokic (BAL)2.12
Hits per 9 IP
1.H Berry (MIL)6.52
2.Sergio Busquets (KRA)7.30
3.Alisson (KRA)8.16
Skip Intro (INT)8.16
5.J Eno (SEA)8.26
6.Gandalf W (MTG)8.44
Karlach (MTG)8.44
8.L Carter (MIL)10.38
9.L Armstrong (SEA)11.08
10.LB James (BAL)16.50
Walks per 9 IP
1.J Eno (SEA)0.00 (28.1)
L Armstrong (SEA)0.00 (26.0)
Skip Intro (INT)0.00 (14.1)
Sergio Busquets (KRA)0.00 (12.1)
5.N Jokic (BAL)1.59
6.Karlach (MTG)3.38
7.Alisson (KRA)3.77
8.PhilosophyTube (INT)4.09
9.L Carter (MIL)4.15
10.LB James (BAL)6.00
Strikeouts per 9 IP
1.Mondrak (MTG)10.00
2.S Pompey (BAL)9.00
3.Sergio Busquets (KRA)8.03
4.PhilosophyTube (INT)7.36
5.J Eno (SEA)6.99
6.L Armstrong (SEA)6.58
7.Tekuthal (MTG)6.00
LB James (BAL)6.00
O Thorpe (BAL)6.00
S Mandanda (KRA)6.00
OPS Against
1.Skip Intro (INT)0.547
2.Sergio Busquets (KRA)0.550
3.Alisson (KRA)0.605
4.Karlach (MTG)0.627
5.J Eno (SEA)0.654
6.H Berry (MIL)0.659
7.L Armstrong (SEA)0.705
8.Gandalf W (MTG)0.861
9.L Carter (MIL)0.895
10.N Jokic (BAL)1.057
1.Skip Intro (INT)9.2
2.L Armstrong (SEA)9.7
3.J Eno (SEA)9.9
4.Karlach (MTG)10.9
5.Sergio Busquets (KRA)11.8
6.Alisson (KRA)12.6
7.L Carter (MIL)13.4
8.N Jokic (BAL)13.9
9.H Berry (MIL)15.5
10.PhilosophyTube (INT)16.4
Line Drives per 9 IP
1.H Berry (MIL)0.00 (19.1)
Karlach (MTG)0.00 (5.1)
3.L Carter (MIL)1.56
4.J Eno (SEA)1.59
N Jokic (BAL)1.59
6.Skip Intro (INT)1.88
7.Alisson (KRA)2.51
8.PhilosophyTube (INT)4.91
9.Sergio Busquets (KRA)5.11
10.LB James (BAL)6.00
1.El Chopo (SEA)7
2.B Meier (MIL)6
3.J Antonoff (SEA)5
D Windsor (MIL)5
5.10 with4
1.El Chopo (SEA)2
2.EB Ray (SEA)1
M Yeoh (MIL)1
D Windsor (MIL)1
V Enyeama (KRA)1
iDubbbz (INT)1
Y Thug (SEA)1
Innings Pitched
1.J Eno (SEA)28.1
2.L Armstrong (SEA)26.0
3.H Berry (MIL)19.1
4.L Carter (MIL)17.1
5.Alisson (KRA)14.1
Skip Intro (INT)14.1
7.Sergio Busquets (KRA)12.1
8.PhilosophyTube (INT)11.0
G Bol (MIL)11.0
10.City Beautiful (INT)8.1
1.J Eno (SEA)22
2.L Armstrong (SEA)19
3.Sergio Busquets (KRA)11
4.H Berry (MIL)9
PhilosophyTube (INT)9
6.Alisson (KRA)8
G Bol (MIL)8
8.M Yeoh (MIL)7
D Windsor (MIL)7
L Carter (MIL)7
Strikeout/Walk Ratio
1.J Eno (SEA)99.99 (22)
L Armstrong (SEA)99.99 (19)
Sergio Busquets (KRA)99.99 (11)
Skip Intro (INT)99.99 (2)
5.PhilosophyTube (INT)1.80
6.Alisson (KRA)1.33
7.LB James (BAL)1.00
N Jokic (BAL)1.00
9.L Carter (MIL)0.88
10.H Berry (MIL)0.69
HR per 9 IP
1.Alisson (KRA)0.00 (14.1)
Skip Intro (INT)0.00 (14.1)
Sergio Busquets (KRA)0.00 (12.1)
Karlach (MTG)0.00 (5.1)
5.L Armstrong (SEA)0.69
6.H Berry (MIL)1.40
7.J Eno (SEA)1.59
N Jokic (BAL)1.59
9.Gandalf W (MTG)1.69
10.L Carter (MIL)2.08
1.J Antonoff (SEA)3
El Chopo (SEA)3
3.B Meier (MIL)2
H Schafer (MIL)2
Y Thug (SEA)2
6.EB Ray (SEA)1
D Windsor (MIL)1
B Fblthp (MTG)1
S Mandanda (KRA)1
Reliever %
1.El Chopo (SEA)1.000 (5)
Y Thug (SEA)1.000 (3)
EB Ray (SEA)1.000 (2)
B Meier (MIL)1.000 (2)
D Windsor (MIL)1.000 (2)
V Enyeama (KRA)1.000 (1)
iDubbbz (INT)1.000 (1)
B Fblthp (MTG)1.000 (1)
S Mandanda (KRA)1.000 (1)
10.J Antonoff (SEA)0.750

Minimum 1.5 innings pitched per team game needed to qualify for rate stats
Italics = adjusted stats for unqualified players

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