Most Valuable Player results: 1. JL Spears (16), 170 2. Arwen, 58 3. Amouranth, 49 4. K Mbappe, 47 5. Petruchio (2), 33 6. TR Dunn, 29 7. L Armstrong, 20 8. Zask, 5 9. Misty, 2 10. Egwene, 1 Van Landingham Award results: 1. Petruchio (16), 165 2. L Armstrong (1), 81 3. Egwene, 38 4. Frodo (1), 12 5. Goldbug, 8 6. S Rocque, 2 Rookie of the Year results: 1. Ab Stone (10), 129 2. S Landini (4), 61 3. The Prophet (2), 57 4. P Carti (2), 37 5. D Bowie, 7 6. Theoden, 5 7. Z Stardust, 4 8. S Graham, 2 9. Ishamael, 2 10. AB, 2 All-Stars: c -- Tranio (1) 1b -- Zask (1) 2b -- Future (1) 3b -- Misty (1) ss -- JL Spears (1) lf -- M Schnarre (1) cf -- Amouranth (1) rf -- H Gernsback (1) dh -- H Williams (1) Gold Gloves: c -- Tranio (1) 1b -- Zask (1) 2b -- Iras (1) 3b -- E Abareim (1) ss -- A Perry (1) lf -- S Twin (1) cf -- Amouranth (1) rf -- Gallus (1) Hall of Fame: Jennifer Walters, 8-3-0 (on ballot) Travis Good, 7-4-0 (on ballot) Wilhelt the Rotcleaver, 7-2-2 (on ballot) Johnny Weissmuller, 4-7-0 (on ballot) Candido Jacuzzi, 0-6-5 (out) Vlade Divac, 0-0-11 (out) Lou Gehrig, 0-0-11 (out)