Fielding splits for Alanah Pearce: lf rf gb/fb 32/ 35 11/ 13 ld 7/ 19 0/ 4 Fielding splits for Antonio Wilson Vieira Honorio: lf cf gb/fb 26/ 28 20/ 20 ld 2/ 10 3/ 6 Fielding splits for Antonio di Vincenzo: 2b 3b gb/fb 15/ 20 38/ 61 ld 1/ 8 3/ 12 Fielding splits for Aphrodite: 2b ss gb/fb 64/ 93 13/ 29 ld 6/ 28 2/ 7 Fielding splits for Ardoz Cobbler of War: lf cf rf gb/fb 46/ 50 19/ 22 1/ 1 ld 7/ 17 1/ 2 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Arwen Undomiel: 2b ss gb/fb 9/ 13 16/ 21 ld 1/ 3 0/ 0 Fielding splits for Baudin: lf rf gb/fb 45/ 49 23/ 25 ld 2/ 5 0/ 4 Fielding splits for Benny the Butcher: 2b 3b gb/fb 2/ 3 67/100 ld 0/ 0 9/ 18 Fielding splits for Carrie Ingalls: 3b ss gb/fb 98/142 31/ 47 ld 9/ 30 1/ 8 Fielding splits for Cenn Buie: 3b ss lf gb/fb 21/ 28 31/ 47 7/ 8 ld 2/ 6 3/ 16 1/ 4 Fielding splits for Charles Ingalls: 3b ss gb/fb 16/ 20 17/ 22 ld 0/ 2 1/ 3 Fielding splits for Debbie Gallagher: 1b 2b 3b gb/fb 4/ 6 6/ 7 29/ 47 ld 0/ 0 0/ 0 3/ 10 Fielding splits for Diogo de Boitaca: cf rf gb/fb 2/ 4 64/ 73 ld 0/ 1 10/ 34 Fielding splits for Doris Shutt: lf rf gb/fb 10/ 10 8/ 8 ld 0/ 2 2/ 4 Fielding splits for Dot Matrix: 2b ss gb/fb 25/ 35 97/141 ld 3/ 12 12/ 35 Fielding splits for Duke of York: 1b 3b gb/fb 10/ 12 11/ 19 ld 0/ 3 1/ 3 Fielding splits for Estelle Lefébure: lf cf rf gb/fb 11/ 14 35/ 41 4/ 6 ld 0/ 1 2/ 5 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Etraysian D'Arle: 1b 2b gb/fb 7/ 13 9/ 12 ld 0/ 0 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Felisin Paran: 1b 2b gb/fb 3/ 3 92/140 ld 1/ 2 12/ 28 Fielding splits for Giovanni Maria Nosseni: 3b ss gb/fb 77/ 95 41/ 57 ld 8/ 17 1/ 5 Fielding splits for Gucci Mane: lf rf gb/fb 69/ 73 11/ 12 ld 7/ 21 2/ 6 Fielding splits for Gwaihir the Windlord: lf rf gb/fb 12/ 14 3/ 3 ld 1/ 2 1/ 2 Fielding splits for Hans Schaefer: 1b 2b ss gb/fb 10/ 13 27/ 33 87/133 ld 3/ 4 2/ 4 8/ 21 Fielding splits for Henry V: lf cf rf gb/fb 14/ 16 9/ 10 31/ 32 ld 0/ 1 0/ 1 0/ 5 Fielding splits for Icewear Vezzo: cf rf gb/fb 7/ 8 6/ 6 ld 1/ 3 0/ 3 Fielding splits for Iggy Azalea: lf cf rf gb/fb 35/ 36 85/ 93 11/ 11 ld 2/ 4 11/ 25 1/ 3 Fielding splits for Jack Thomas Manifold: cf rf gb/fb 107/116 12/ 12 ld 5/ 17 1/ 8 Fielding splits for Jenny Banks: 1b cf gb/fb 6/ 9 19/ 20 ld 0/ 0 2/ 6 Fielding splits for John XVIII: 2b 3b ss lf rf gb/fb 15/ 24 18/ 18 3/ 6 41/ 45 12/ 14 ld 0/ 1 1/ 2 0/ 1 4/ 14 1/ 4 Fielding splits for Joseph-Ignace Guillotin: cf rf gb/fb 20/ 28 6/ 7 ld 3/ 11 1/ 1 Fielding splits for Jupp Heynckes: 1b 3b gb/fb 47/ 69 13/ 16 ld 1/ 13 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Leane Sharif: 1b 2b gb/fb 9/ 12 61/ 77 ld 1/ 2 3/ 17 Fielding splits for Lily-Rose Depp: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 16/ 23 22/ 31 10/ 14 ld 1/ 4 4/ 6 0/ 2 Fielding splits for Lucas Cruikshank: 1b 3b gb/fb 17/ 19 10/ 16 ld 3/ 6 1/ 3 Fielding splits for Matthias of Arras: lf cf rf gb/fb 7/ 8 49/ 53 17/ 18 ld 0/ 3 4/ 8 1/ 1 Fielding splits for Mogora: 2b ss gb/fb 4/ 6 45/ 70 ld 2/ 4 7/ 21 Fielding splits for Mril Thorion: 1b 2b 3b gb/fb 9/ 11 1/ 1 10/ 14 ld 1/ 2 0/ 0 3/ 7 Fielding splits for Nick Collison: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 6/ 8 15/ 29 33/ 62 ld 0/ 0 2/ 8 1/ 12 Fielding splits for Nyctelios: 1b 2b gb/fb 4/ 5 113/138 ld 0/ 0 5/ 31 Fielding splits for Old Prince: 1b ss gb/fb 7/ 15 46/ 69 ld 1/ 3 0/ 9 Fielding splits for Padan Fain: cf rf gb/fb 32/ 35 41/ 46 ld 4/ 16 3/ 19 Fielding splits for Redfoo: 2b ss gb/fb 3/ 4 4/ 6 ld 0/ 0 0/ 3 Fielding splits for Robert Hanson: lf rf gb/fb 21/ 21 28/ 29 ld 5/ 12 1/ 5 Fielding splits for Robert Howard Cobb: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 46/ 59 14/ 27 10/ 15 ld 2/ 8 0/ 5 0/ 0 Fielding splits for Ronnie Van Zant: 1b ss lf cf rf gb/fb 17/ 25 5/ 8 4/ 5 1/ 1 2/ 3 ld 1/ 4 0/ 0 0/ 1 1/ 2 2/ 2 Fielding splits for Seleucus: 1b 2b gb/fb 2/ 4 24/ 35 ld 0/ 0 1/ 4 Fielding splits for SpotemGottem: 1b 2b 3b ss gb/fb 7/ 12 13/ 20 34/ 46 17/ 31 ld 0/ 4 2/ 7 4/ 17 1/ 4 Fielding splits for Stephen IX: lf cf rf gb/fb 48/ 49 9/ 14 12/ 12 ld 2/ 8 0/ 2 1/ 3 Fielding splits for Sue Bird: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 11/ 19 13/ 19 31/ 44 ld 4/ 11 3/ 8 2/ 17 Fielding splits for Sulty: 2b 3b gb/fb 6/ 10 25/ 41 ld 0/ 1 6/ 8 Fielding splits for Tayschrenn: lf cf gb/fb 70/ 77 36/ 39 ld 2/ 17 1/ 7 Fielding splits for Tintin: lf rf gb/fb 67/ 71 20/ 24 ld 2/ 16 2/ 4 Fielding splits for Trevor Ariza: lf cf rf gb/fb 12/ 15 13/ 14 11/ 13 ld 3/ 5 2/ 4 2/ 5 Fielding splits for Ulysses Up: 1b 3b gb/fb 3/ 4 14/ 26 ld 0/ 0 2/ 5 Fielding splits for Uvhash: 1b ss gb/fb 1/ 3 29/ 46 ld 0/ 1 2/ 9 Fielding splits for William Goldsmith: 3b cf rf gb/fb 55/ 76 8/ 10 8/ 9 ld 4/ 15 1/ 4 2/ 4 Fielding splits for Yibb-Tstll: 2b cf rf gb/fb 7/ 10 25/ 31 9/ 9 ld 3/ 5 0/ 7 0/ 4