Roster for Two Rivers Ta'veren:
- 12799 Chiad of the Stones River sept of the Goshien Aiel, 21, 1b
- 12116 Leane Sharif, 30, 2b
- 12530 Taringail Damodred, 24, 2b
- 12388 Birgitte Silverbow, 26, 3b
- 12912 Verin Mathwin, 19, 3b
- 12266 Nynaeve al'Meara, 27, ss
- 12533 Tigraine Mantear, 25, lf
- 12239 Padan Fain, 26, cf
- 12176 Elan Morin Tedronai, 28, cf
- 12774 Perrin Aybara, 23, cf
- 12303 Thomdril Merrilin, 27, rf
- 12726 Haral Luhhan, 22, mr
- 12405 Amaresu, 23, rp
- 12656 Bayle Domon, 24, rp
- 12861 Gaul of the Imran sept of the Shaarad Aiel, 20, rp
- 12619 Egeanin Tamarath, 23, rp
- 12016 Ingtar Shinowa, 28, rp
- 12875 Bain of the Black Rock sept of the Shaarad Aiel, 22, rp
- 12937 Amys of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel, 19, rp
- 12959 Narg, 18, 2b
- 12963 Berelain sur Paendrag Paeron, 17, rp
- 12933 Rhuarc of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel, 18, 1b