Fielding splits for Alex P. Keaton: lf cf rf gb/fb 65/ 71 5/ 6 2/ 2 ld 12/ 37 0/ 0 0/ 0 Fielding splits for Alexis Carrel: lf rf gb/fb 5/ 5 23/ 25 ld 0/ 1 1/ 6 Fielding splits for Alphonse Laveran: lf rf gb/fb 3/ 3 48/ 54 ld 0/ 2 8/ 20 Fielding splits for Anne McCaffrey: 1b 2b 3b ss gb/fb 12/ 23 2/ 3 12/ 16 19/ 30 ld 1/ 4 0/ 0 1/ 2 0/ 3 Fielding splits for Anya Amasova: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 15/ 23 31/ 41 28/ 36 ld 0/ 1 1/ 6 1/ 4 Fielding splits for Arthur Curry: 2b 3b gb/fb 82/107 29/ 38 ld 3/ 19 3/ 9 Fielding splits for Beck Hansen: cf rf gb/fb 126/137 15/ 15 ld 5/ 28 2/ 3 Fielding splits for Camillo Golgi: cf rf gb/fb 2/ 2 2/ 2 ld 0/ 0 0/ 1 Fielding splits for D'Lo Brown: 3b ss gb/fb 70/108 33/ 43 ld 4/ 19 1/ 4 Fielding splits for David Berkowitz: lf rf gb/fb 3/ 3 19/ 21 ld 0/ 2 0/ 4 Fielding splits for David Henry Hwang: lf rf gb/fb 8/ 9 28/ 29 ld 0/ 3 2/ 11 Fielding splits for Diana of Themyscira: 1b 3b gb/fb 6/ 11 87/115 ld 0/ 0 3/ 16 Fielding splits for Diane Chambers: lf cf rf gb/fb 6/ 7 44/ 45 11/ 11 ld 1/ 1 6/ 24 3/ 6 Fielding splits for Edna Garrett: 1b ss gb/fb 1/ 4 152/208 ld 0/ 0 26/ 85 Fielding splits for Elmer Rice: 1b 2b 3b ss gb/fb 9/ 10 33/ 44 29/ 38 18/ 22 ld 0/ 0 3/ 8 1/ 4 0/ 2 Fielding splits for Evan Dando: 1b 2b 3b ss gb/fb 6/ 13 17/ 25 9/ 10 155/195 ld 1/ 1 0/ 0 1/ 3 17/ 49 Fielding splits for Faarooq: lf cf rf gb/fb 12/ 13 14/ 14 37/ 41 ld 1/ 4 1/ 3 1/ 9 Fielding splits for Federico Garcia Lorca: lf cf rf gb/fb 3/ 3 82/ 88 4/ 5 ld 0/ 1 5/ 19 0/ 0 Fielding splits for Ferenc Puskas: cf rf gb/fb 27/ 30 44/ 45 ld 0/ 6 7/ 19 Fielding splits for Frederic August Otto Schwarz: lf rf gb/fb 15/ 16 8/ 8 ld 1/ 8 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Giorgio Borg Olivier: 2b 3b gb/fb 88/124 3/ 4 ld 10/ 31 0/ 0 Fielding splits for Gregory Benford: 1b 2b 3b gb/fb 12/ 21 8/ 12 22/ 33 ld 2/ 7 3/ 5 1/ 4 Fielding splits for Helmut Rahn: 2b 3b ss lf gb/fb 11/ 17 9/ 14 17/ 29 14/ 16 ld 2/ 5 3/ 3 3/ 15 0/ 2 Fielding splits for Henri Moissan: 1b 2b 3b gb/fb 7/ 17 26/ 33 10/ 15 ld 0/ 2 1/ 5 2/ 5 Fielding splits for Howard Beale: lf cf rf gb/fb 4/ 5 9/ 11 32/ 34 ld 0/ 1 0/ 0 2/ 9 Fielding splits for Italo Calvino: lf rf gb/fb 72/ 78 20/ 22 ld 8/ 30 1/ 4 Fielding splits for Ivar Anni-Padda: lf cf rf gb/fb 9/ 9 54/ 60 41/ 44 ld 0/ 1 7/ 15 4/ 16 Fielding splits for Jack McCoy: lf rf gb/fb 44/ 49 11/ 11 ld 4/ 16 1/ 5 Fielding splits for James Howlett: lf cf gb/fb 4/ 4 118/135 ld 0/ 0 6/ 21 Fielding splits for Jed Clampett: 1b ss gb/fb 17/ 31 3/ 4 ld 2/ 12 0/ 0 Fielding splits for Jo Polniaczek: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 6/ 12 7/ 12 15/ 21 ld 1/ 7 2/ 5 4/ 9 Fielding splits for Joe Musashi: lf cf gb/fb 9/ 9 26/ 31 ld 0/ 1 2/ 6 Fielding splits for John Swanson: cf rf gb/fb 10/ 11 47/ 47 ld 1/ 7 3/ 21 Fielding splits for Kal-El: 2b ss gb/fb 41/ 55 86/125 ld 4/ 17 7/ 23 Fielding splits for Kate Moss: ss lf cf rf gb/fb 124/185 6/ 7 12/ 14 6/ 6 ld 9/ 25 1/ 4 2/ 3 0/ 1 Fielding splits for King Dedede: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 32/ 43 5/ 8 3/ 5 ld 2/ 9 0/ 2 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Lucas Papademos: lf rf gb/fb 7/ 7 3/ 3 ld 1/ 2 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Mario Monti: ss rf gb/fb 16/ 21 21/ 24 ld 2/ 3 1/ 12 Fielding splits for Mark Lair: 1b 3b gb/fb 23/ 33 43/ 54 ld 1/ 5 7/ 17 Fielding splits for Martin Riggs: lf rf gb/fb 71/ 73 17/ 18 ld 6/ 22 3/ 6 Fielding splits for Melvin Purvis: 1b 2b ss gb/fb 37/ 59 3/ 3 16/ 21 ld 2/ 9 0/ 1 3/ 7 Fielding splits for Mr. Belvedere: 3b cf gb/fb 38/ 52 87/103 ld 7/ 23 14/ 59 Fielding splits for Oswaldo da Silva: lf rf gb/fb 9/ 11 24/ 29 ld 1/ 3 6/ 15 Fielding splits for Parappa the Rapper: 1b 2b gb/fb 4/ 6 11/ 18 ld 0/ 0 0/ 5 Fielding splits for Piotr Rasputin: 2b 3b gb/fb 46/ 77 12/ 20 ld 6/ 11 2/ 7 Fielding splits for Ray Kroc: 2b ss gb/fb 2/ 7 29/ 42 ld 0/ 2 2/ 7 Fielding splits for Richard Warren Sears: lf cf gb/fb 98/103 14/ 17 ld 8/ 36 2/ 6 Fielding splits for Roland Pryzbylewski: 1b 3b gb/fb 0/ 1 30/ 45 ld 1/ 2 0/ 9 Fielding splits for Scott Pilgrim: 1b 3b gb/fb 10/ 11 63/ 98 ld 1/ 4 12/ 34 Fielding splits for Selita Ebanks: 1b 2b 3b gb/fb 12/ 15 21/ 24 9/ 16 ld 2/ 6 1/ 5 1/ 1 Fielding splits for Sir Wilfrid Robarts: cf rf gb/fb 48/ 50 32/ 35 ld 5/ 18 6/ 20 Fielding splits for Slash: lf rf gb/fb 62/ 69 30/ 32 ld 5/ 22 1/ 7 Fielding splits for Spyro the Dragon: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 70/ 97 5/ 7 6/ 7 ld 2/ 12 0/ 2 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Squirtle: lf cf gb/fb 26/ 29 37/ 42 ld 1/ 9 1/ 3 Fielding splits for Stephen Stills: lf cf gb/fb 15/ 16 11/ 16 ld 3/ 11 3/ 11 Fielding splits for Thomas Ruggles Pynchon Jr.: cf rf gb/fb 29/ 33 54/ 63 ld 2/ 17 1/ 17 Fielding splits for Tim Powers: lf rf gb/fb 29/ 31 8/ 8 ld 3/ 17 4/ 7 Fielding splits for Walter Jon Williams: lf rf gb/fb 8/ 9 12/ 12 ld 2/ 5 0/ 3 Fielding splits for Webster Long: 2b 3b gb/fb 7/ 10 67/ 93 ld 0/ 2 7/ 22 Fielding splits for William Randolph Hearst: 1b 3b gb/fb 4/ 8 14/ 29 ld 0/ 2 1/ 2