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Broadway Wrights Positions Matrix, Year 22

By position

1J OrtonHC HansenS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterFaceV Hugo
2J OrtonHC HansenS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterFaceSR Leonard
3J OrtonHC HansenS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterFaceV Hugo
4HC HansenFaceS O'CaseyE RiceW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellM McAleese
5J OrtonHC HansenA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellV Hugo
6J OrtonHC HansenS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoA SlezeviciusH PinterFaceSR Leonard
7J OrtonHC HansenS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellV Hugo
8J OrtonFaceS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoA SlezeviciusH PinterS GlaspellM McAleese
9J OrtonFaceE RiceW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellV Hugo
10J OrtonHC HansenS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellSR Leonard
11HC HansenFaceS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeA SlezeviciusF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellM McAleese
12J OrtonFaceS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellSR Leonard
13HC HansenFaceE RiceW HuntingW IngeA SlezeviciusF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellV Hugo
14J OrtonFaceS O'CaseyW HuntingE RiceD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellSR Leonard
15J OrtonFaceE RiceW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellV Hugo
16J OrtonFaceS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellV Hugo
17J OrtonFaceE RiceW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellSR Leonard
18J OrtonHC HansenS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellV Hugo
19J OrtonFaceE RiceW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellSR Leonard
20J OrtonHC HansenS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellM McAleese
21J OrtonFaceS O'CaseyW HuntingE RiceD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellV Hugo
22J OrtonFaceS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellSR Leonard
23J OrtonHC HansenE RiceW HuntingW IngeD FoA SlezeviciusH PinterS GlaspellV Hugo
24J OrtonFaceE RiceW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellSR Leonard
25J OrtonHC HansenS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaA SlezeviciusS GlaspellM McAleese
26HC HansenFaceS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellSR Leonard
27J OrtonFaceE RiceW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellV Hugo
28HC HansenFaceS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoA SlezeviciusH PinterS GlaspellSR Leonard
29J OrtonFaceE RiceW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellM McAleese
30J OrtonFaceS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellV Hugo
31J OrtonHC HansenS O'CaseyW HuntingE RiceD FoA SlezeviciusH PinterFaceSR Leonard
32J OrtonFaceE RiceW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellM McAleese
33HC HansenFaceS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeA SlezeviciusF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellV Hugo
34J OrtonFaceS O'CaseyE RiceW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellSR Leonard
35J OrtonFaceS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellV Hugo
36J OrtonFaceE RiceW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaA SlezeviciusS GlaspellSR Leonard
37J OrtonFaceS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellV Hugo
38J OrtonFaceS O'CaseyE RiceW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellSR Leonard
39J OrtonHC HansenS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterFaceV Hugo
40J OrtonFaceE RiceW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaA SlezeviciusS GlaspellM McAleese
41J OrtonFaceS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellSR Leonard
42J OrtonHC HansenS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterFaceV Hugo
43HC HansenFaceS O'CaseyE RiceW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellM McAleese
44J OrtonFaceS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoA SlezeviciusH PinterS GlaspellV Hugo
45J OrtonFaceE RiceW HuntingW IngeA SlezeviciusF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellSR Leonard
46J OrtonHC HansenS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeA SlezeviciusF Garcia LorcaH PinterFaceV Hugo
47J OrtonFaceS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellSR Leonard
48J OrtonFaceE RiceW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS GlaspellV Hugo
49J OrtonFaceS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoA SlezeviciusH PinterS GlaspellM McAleese
50J OrtonHC HansenS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterFaceSR Leonard

By lineup position

1W IngeD FoFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaH PinterHC HansenS O'CaseyW Hunting
2W IngeD FoFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaH PinterHC HansenS O'CaseyW Hunting
3W IngeD FoFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaH PinterHC HansenS O'CaseyW Hunting
4W IngeD FoFaceF Garcia LorcaH PinterHC HansenS O'CaseyE RiceS Glaspell
5W IngeD FoJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaH PinterHC HansenW HuntingA MacLeishS Glaspell
6W IngeD FoFaceJ OrtonH PinterHC HansenS O'CaseyW HuntingA Slezevicius
7W IngeD FoJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaS GlaspellH PinterS O'CaseyW HuntingHC Hansen
8W IngeD FoFaceJ OrtonS GlaspellH PinterS O'CaseyW HuntingA Slezevicius
9W IngeD FoFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaS GlaspellH PinterW HuntingE Rice
10W IngeD FoJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaS GlaspellH PinterS O'CaseyW HuntingHC Hansen
11W IngeFaceF Garcia LorcaS GlaspellH PinterS O'CaseyW HuntingA SlezeviciusHC Hansen
12W IngeD FoFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaS GlaspellH PinterS O'CaseyW Hunting
13W IngeFaceF Garcia LorcaS GlaspellH PinterW HuntingE RiceHC HansenA Slezevicius
14D FoFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaS GlaspellH PinterS O'CaseyW HuntingE Rice
15W IngeD FoFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaS GlaspellH PinterW HuntingE Rice
16W IngeD FoFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaS GlaspellH PinterS O'CaseyW Hunting
17W IngeD FoFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaS GlaspellH PinterW HuntingE Rice
18W IngeD FoJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaS GlaspellH PinterS O'CaseyW HuntingHC Hansen
19W IngeD FoFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaS GlaspellH PinterW HuntingE Rice
20W IngeD FoJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaS GlaspellH PinterS O'CaseyW HuntingHC Hansen
21FaceS GlaspellJ OrtonD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS O'CaseyW HuntingE Rice
22W IngeFaceS GlaspellJ OrtonD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS O'CaseyW Hunting
23W IngeS GlaspellJ OrtonD FoH PinterW HuntingE RiceA SlezeviciusHC Hansen
24W IngeFaceS GlaspellJ OrtonD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterW HuntingE Rice
25W IngeS GlaspellJ OrtonD FoF Garcia LorcaS O'CaseyW HuntingHC HansenA Slezevicius
26W IngeFaceS GlaspellD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS O'CaseyW HuntingHC Hansen
27W IngeFaceS GlaspellJ OrtonD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterW HuntingE Rice
28W IngeFaceS GlaspellD FoH PinterS O'CaseyW HuntingA SlezeviciusHC Hansen
29W IngeFaceS GlaspellJ OrtonD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterW HuntingE Rice
30W IngeFaceS GlaspellJ OrtonD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS O'CaseyW Hunting
31FaceJ OrtonD FoH PinterS O'CaseyW HuntingA SlezeviciusHC HansenE Rice
32W IngeFaceS GlaspellJ OrtonD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterW HuntingE Rice
33W IngeFaceS GlaspellF Garcia LorcaH PinterS O'CaseyW HuntingA SlezeviciusHC Hansen
34W IngeFaceS GlaspellJ OrtonD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS O'CaseyE Rice
35W IngeFaceS GlaspellJ OrtonD FoF Garcia LorcaH PinterS O'CaseyW Hunting
36W IngeFaceS GlaspellF Garcia LorcaD FoJ OrtonW HuntingE RiceA Slezevicius
37W IngeFaceS GlaspellF Garcia LorcaS O'CaseyD FoH PinterJ OrtonW Hunting
38W IngeFaceS GlaspellF Garcia LorcaS O'CaseyD FoH PinterJ OrtonE Rice
39W IngeFaceF Garcia LorcaS O'CaseyD FoH PinterJ OrtonW HuntingHC Hansen
40W IngeFaceS GlaspellF Garcia LorcaD FoJ OrtonW HuntingE RiceA Slezevicius
41W IngeFaceS GlaspellF Garcia LorcaS O'CaseyD FoH PinterJ OrtonW Hunting
42W IngeFaceF Garcia LorcaS O'CaseyD FoH PinterJ OrtonW HuntingHC Hansen
43W IngeFaceS GlaspellF Garcia LorcaS O'CaseyD FoH PinterE RiceHC Hansen
44W IngeFaceS GlaspellS O'CaseyH PinterJ OrtonA SlezeviciusW HuntingD Fo
45W IngeFaceS GlaspellF Garcia LorcaH PinterJ OrtonA SlezeviciusW HuntingE Rice
46W IngeFaceF Garcia LorcaS O'CaseyH PinterJ OrtonA SlezeviciusW HuntingHC Hansen
47W IngeFaceS GlaspellF Garcia LorcaS O'CaseyH PinterW HuntingJ OrtonD Fo
48W IngeFaceS GlaspellF Garcia LorcaH PinterW HuntingJ OrtonD FoE Rice
49W IngeFaceS GlaspellS O'CaseyH PinterW HuntingJ OrtonD FoA Slezevicius
50W IngeFaceF Garcia LorcaS O'CaseyH PinterW HuntingJ OrtonD FoHC Hansen

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