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Broadway Wrights Positions Matrix, Year 24

By position

1J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceV Hugo
2J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceM McAleese
3E RiceS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoSir WilfridA BehnFaceSR Leonard
4J OrtonS O'CaseyA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridS GlaspellV Hugo
5J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceM McAleese
6J OrtonS O'CaseyA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeD FoSir WilfridA BehnS GlaspellV Hugo
7J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceSR Leonard
8E RiceS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceV Hugo
9J OrtonS O'CaseyA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceSR Leonard
10J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceV Hugo
11E RiceS O'CaseyA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaA BehnS GlaspellP Schmitt
12J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceV Hugo
13E RiceS GlaspellA MacLeishS O'CaseyW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceSR Leonard
14J OrtonS GlaspellA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeD FoSir WilfridA BehnFaceV Hugo
15J OrtonS GlaspellA MacLeishS O'CaseyW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaA BehnFaceSR Leonard
16J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceV Hugo
17E RiceS GlaspellA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeA BehnF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceM McAleese
18J OrtonS O'CaseyA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceV Hugo
19J OrtonS GlaspellA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceSR Leonard
20E RiceS O'CaseyA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridS GlaspellM McAleese
21J OrtonS GlaspellA MacLeishW HuntingE RiceD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceV Hugo
22J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoSir WilfridA BehnFaceM McAleese
23J OrtonS GlaspellA MacLeishS O'CaseyW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceSR Leonard
24E RiceS O'CaseyA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceV Hugo
25J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceM McAleese
26J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceV Hugo
27J OrtonS O'CaseyA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaA BehnFaceM McAleese
28J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingE RiceD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceV Hugo
29J OrtonS O'CaseyA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeD FoSir WilfridA BehnS GlaspellSR Leonard
30J OrtonS GlaspellA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeA BehnF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceV Hugo
31J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingE RiceD FoF Garcia LorcaA BehnFaceM McAleese
32E RiceS GlaspellA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceSR Leonard
33J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceV Hugo
34J OrtonS O'CaseyA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceSR Leonard
35J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingE RiceD FoSir WilfridA BehnFaceM McAleese
36J OrtonS GlaspellA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceV Hugo
37J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaA BehnFaceM McAleese
38J OrtonS O'CaseyA MacLeishW HuntingE RiceA BehnF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridS GlaspellSR Leonard
39J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceV Hugo
40J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingE RiceD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceM McAleese
41E RiceS GlaspellA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceSR Leonard
42J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceV Hugo
43J OrtonS O'CaseyA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeD FoSir WilfridA BehnS GlaspellM McAleese
44J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceV Hugo
45E RiceS GlaspellA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceSR Leonard
46J OrtonS O'CaseyA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceV Hugo
47J OrtonS O'CaseyA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridS GlaspellM McAleese
48J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoSir WilfridA BehnFaceSR Leonard
49J OrtonS O'CaseyA MacLeishW HuntingE RiceD FoSir WilfridA BehnS GlaspellV Hugo
50J OrtonS GlaspellA MacLeishW HuntingE RiceA BehnF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceSR Leonard
1-1J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceV Hugo
1-2J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceSR Leonard
1-3E RiceS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceM McAleese
1-4J OrtonS O'CaseyA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridS GlaspellV Hugo
1-5E RiceS O'CaseyA MacLeishW HuntingW IngeD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceV Hugo
1-6J OrtonS GlaspellS O'CaseyW HuntingE RiceD FoF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridFaceSR Leonard

By lineup position

1F Garcia LorcaW IngeD FoFaceJ OrtonS O'CaseyS GlaspellW HuntingSir Wilfrid
2F Garcia LorcaW IngeD FoFaceJ OrtonS O'CaseyS GlaspellW HuntingSir Wilfrid
3W IngeD FoFaceS O'CaseyS GlaspellW HuntingSir WilfridA BehnE Rice
4F Garcia LorcaW IngeD FoJ OrtonS O'CaseyS GlaspellW HuntingSir WilfridA MacLeish
5F Garcia LorcaW IngeD FoFaceJ OrtonS O'CaseyS GlaspellW HuntingSir Wilfrid
6W IngeD FoJ OrtonS O'CaseyS GlaspellW HuntingSir WilfridA BehnA MacLeish
7F Garcia LorcaW IngeD FoFaceJ OrtonS O'CaseyS GlaspellW HuntingSir Wilfrid
8W IngeS GlaspellW HuntingFaceS O'CaseyD FoSir WilfridF Garcia LorcaE Rice
9W IngeW HuntingFaceJ OrtonS O'CaseyD FoSir WilfridF Garcia LorcaA MacLeish
10W IngeS GlaspellW HuntingFaceJ OrtonS O'CaseyD FoSir WilfridF Garcia Lorca
11W IngeS GlaspellW HuntingS O'CaseyD FoF Garcia LorcaA MacLeishA BehnE Rice
12W IngeS GlaspellW HuntingFaceJ OrtonS O'CaseyD FoSir WilfridF Garcia Lorca
13W IngeS GlaspellFaceS O'CaseyD FoSir WilfridF Garcia LorcaA MacLeishE Rice
14W IngeS GlaspellW HuntingFaceJ OrtonD FoSir WilfridA MacLeishA Behn
15W IngeS GlaspellFaceJ OrtonS O'CaseyD FoF Garcia LorcaA MacLeishA Behn
16W IngeS GlaspellW HuntingFaceJ OrtonS O'CaseyD FoSir WilfridF Garcia Lorca
17W IngeS GlaspellW HuntingFaceSir WilfridF Garcia LorcaA MacLeishE RiceA Behn
18W IngeW HuntingFaceJ OrtonS O'CaseyD FoSir WilfridF Garcia LorcaA MacLeish
19W IngeS GlaspellW HuntingFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridD FoA MacLeish
20W IngeS GlaspellW HuntingF Garcia LorcaS O'CaseySir WilfridD FoE RiceA MacLeish
21S GlaspellW HuntingFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridD FoA MacLeishE Rice
22W IngeS GlaspellW HuntingFaceJ OrtonS O'CaseySir WilfridD FoA Behn
23W IngeS GlaspellFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaS O'CaseySir WilfridD FoA MacLeish
24W IngeW HuntingFaceF Garcia LorcaS O'CaseySir WilfridD FoA MacLeishE Rice
25W IngeS GlaspellW HuntingFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaS O'CaseySir WilfridD Fo
26W IngeS GlaspellW HuntingFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaS O'CaseySir WilfridD Fo
27W IngeW HuntingFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaS O'CaseyD FoA BehnA MacLeish
28S GlaspellW HuntingFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaS O'CaseySir WilfridD FoE Rice
29W IngeS GlaspellW HuntingJ OrtonS O'CaseySir WilfridD FoA BehnA MacLeish
30W IngeS GlaspellW HuntingFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridA MacLeishA Behn
31S GlaspellW HuntingFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaS O'CaseyD FoE RiceA Behn
32W IngeS GlaspellW HuntingFaceF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridD FoA MacLeishE Rice
33W IngeS GlaspellW HuntingFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaS O'CaseySir WilfridD Fo
34W IngeW HuntingFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaS O'CaseySir WilfridD FoA MacLeish
35S GlaspellW HuntingFaceJ OrtonS O'CaseySir WilfridD FoE RiceA Behn
36W IngeS GlaspellW HuntingFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaSir WilfridD FoA MacLeish
37W IngeS GlaspellW HuntingFaceJ OrtonF Garcia LorcaS O'CaseyD FoA Behn
38F Garcia LorcaW HuntingJ OrtonS O'CaseyS GlaspellSir WilfridA MacLeishE RiceA Behn
39W IngeF Garcia LorcaW HuntingFaceJ OrtonS O'CaseyD FoS GlaspellSir Wilfrid
40F Garcia LorcaW HuntingFaceJ OrtonS O'CaseyD FoS GlaspellSir WilfridE Rice
41W IngeF Garcia LorcaW HuntingFaceD FoS GlaspellSir WilfridA MacLeishE Rice
42W IngeF Garcia LorcaW HuntingFaceJ OrtonS O'CaseyD FoS GlaspellSir Wilfrid
43W IngeW HuntingJ OrtonS O'CaseyD FoS GlaspellSir WilfridA BehnA MacLeish
44W IngeF Garcia LorcaW HuntingFaceJ OrtonS O'CaseyD FoS GlaspellSir Wilfrid
45W IngeF Garcia LorcaW HuntingFaceD FoS GlaspellSir WilfridA MacLeishE Rice
46W IngeF Garcia LorcaW HuntingFaceJ OrtonS O'CaseyD FoSir WilfridA MacLeish
47W IngeF Garcia LorcaW HuntingJ OrtonS O'CaseyD FoS GlaspellSir WilfridA MacLeish
48W IngeW HuntingFaceJ OrtonS O'CaseyD FoS GlaspellSir WilfridA Behn
49D FoW HuntingJ OrtonS O'CaseySir WilfridA MacLeishS GlaspellA BehnE Rice
50W HuntingJ OrtonSir WilfridA MacLeishS GlaspellA BehnE RiceF Garcia LorcaFace
1-1W IngeF Garcia LorcaFaceJ OrtonD FoS O'CaseyW HuntingS GlaspellSir Wilfrid
1-2W IngeF Garcia LorcaFaceJ OrtonD FoS O'CaseyW HuntingS GlaspellSir Wilfrid
1-3W IngeF Garcia LorcaFaceD FoS O'CaseyW HuntingS GlaspellSir WilfridE Rice
1-4W IngeF Garcia LorcaJ OrtonD FoS O'CaseyW HuntingS GlaspellSir WilfridA MacLeish
1-5W IngeF Garcia LorcaFaceD FoS O'CaseyW HuntingSir WilfridE RiceA MacLeish
1-6D FoF Garcia LorcaFaceJ OrtonS O'CaseyW HuntingS GlaspellSir WilfridE Rice

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