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Pittsburgh Pictures Positions Matrix, Year 27

By position

1K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstB Blue
2K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstM Robinson
3K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstB Blue
4K IrelandB BundyE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstM Robinson
5K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstB Blue
6E OcwirkM McDermottB WhiteS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstTeddy KGB
7K IrelandB BundyE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstB Blue
8K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkB WhiteCloudR RabbitJ DiamondE ReddingWR HearstM Robinson
9E OcwirkM McDermottB WhiteS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstB Blue
10K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitE ReddingD MichaelsWR HearstTeddy KGB
11E OcwirkM McDermottB WhiteS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsB BundyM Robinson
12K IrelandB BundyE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondE ReddingWR HearstB Blue
13K IrelandM McDermottB WhiteS BobCloudE ReddingJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstTeddy KGB
14K IrelandB BundyE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstM Robinson
15K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondE ReddingWR HearstB Blue
16K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstTeddy KGB
17K IrelandM McDermottB WhiteS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstM Robinson
18E OcwirkM McDermottB WhiteS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstB Blue
19K IrelandB BundyE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondE ReddingWR HearstM Robinson
20K IrelandM McDermottB WhiteS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstTeddy KGB
21K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkB WhiteCloudR RabbitE ReddingD MichaelsWR HearstB Blue
22K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstM Robinson
23K IrelandB BundyE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstTeddy KGB
24K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstB Blue
25K IrelandM McDermottB WhiteS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondE ReddingWR HearstM Robinson
26K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstB Blue
27K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstM Robinson
28K IrelandM McDermottB WhiteS BobCloudE ReddingJ DiamondD MichaelsB BundyTeddy KGB
29K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitE ReddingD MichaelsWR HearstB Blue
30K IrelandM McDermottB WhiteS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstM Robinson
31K IrelandM McDermottB WhiteS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstB Blue
32K IrelandB BundyE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitE ReddingD MichaelsWR HearstTeddy KGB
33K IrelandM McDermottB WhiteS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstM Robinson
34K IrelandB BundyE OcwirkS BobB WhiteR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstB Blue
35K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondE ReddingWR HearstTeddy KGB
36K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstM Robinson
37E OcwirkM McDermottB WhiteS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstB Blue
38K IrelandB BundyE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstTeddy KGB
39K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondE ReddingWR HearstM Robinson
40E OcwirkM McDermottB WhiteS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstB Blue
41K IrelandB BundyE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitE ReddingD MichaelsWR HearstM Robinson
42K IrelandM McDermottB WhiteS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstB Blue
43K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitE ReddingD MichaelsWR HearstTeddy KGB
44K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkS BobB WhiteR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstB Blue
45K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitE ReddingD MichaelsWR HearstM Robinson
46K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitE ReddingD MichaelsB BundyB Blue
47K IrelandB BundyE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstTeddy KGB
48K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondE ReddingWR HearstM Robinson
49K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkS BobCloudE ReddingJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstB Blue
50K IrelandM McDermottE OcwirkS BobCloudR RabbitJ DiamondD MichaelsWR HearstTeddy KGB

By lineup position

1R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS Bob
2R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS Bob
3R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS Bob
4R RabbitWR HearstK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS BobB Bundy
5R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS Bob
6R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS BobB White
7R RabbitWR HearstK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS BobB Bundy
8R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondE OcwirkE ReddingB White
9R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS BobB White
10R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudD MichaelsE OcwirkS BobE Redding
11R RabbitM McDermottCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS BobB BundyB White
12R RabbitWR HearstK IrelandCloudJ DiamondE OcwirkS BobE ReddingB Bundy
13WR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsS BobE ReddingB White
14R RabbitWR HearstK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS BobB Bundy
15R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondE OcwirkS BobE Redding
16R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS Bob
17R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsS BobB White
18R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS BobB White
19R RabbitWR HearstK IrelandCloudJ DiamondE OcwirkS BobB BundyE Redding
20R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsS BobB White
21R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudD MichaelsE OcwirkB WhiteE Redding
22R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS Bob
23R RabbitWR HearstK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS BobB Bundy
24R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS Bob
25R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondS BobB WhiteE Redding
26R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS Bob
27R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS Bob
28M McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsS BobE ReddingB WhiteB Bundy
29R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudD MichaelsE OcwirkS BobE Redding
30R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsS BobB White
31R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsS BobB White
32R RabbitWR HearstK IrelandCloudD MichaelsE OcwirkS BobE ReddingB Bundy
33R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsS BobB White
34R RabbitWR HearstK IrelandJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS BobB BundyB White
35R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondE OcwirkS BobE Redding
36R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS Bob
37R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS BobB White
38R RabbitWR HearstK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS BobB Bundy
39R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondE OcwirkS BobE Redding
40R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS BobB White
41R RabbitWR HearstK IrelandCloudD MichaelsE OcwirkS BobE ReddingB Bundy
42R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsS BobB White
43R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudD MichaelsE OcwirkS BobE Redding
44R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS BobB White
45R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudD MichaelsE OcwirkS BobE Redding
46R RabbitM McDermottK IrelandCloudD MichaelsE OcwirkS BobE ReddingB Bundy
47R RabbitWR HearstK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS BobB Bundy
48R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondE OcwirkS BobE Redding
49WR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS BobE Redding
50R RabbitWR HearstM McDermottK IrelandCloudJ DiamondD MichaelsE OcwirkS Bob

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