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Seattle Angst Positions Matrix, Year 37

By position

1B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeS Nicks
2B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeA Dufresne
3J McCreaS TruthS MerrittJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordPT BarnumS Nicks
4B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeA Millan
5J McCreaS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoS MerrittA SamarasS BeattyHA KrebsM MumfordK OkerekeI Josipovic
6B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoS MerrittA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeS Nicks
7B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeA Millan
8J McCreaS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoS MerrittA SamarasS BeattyHA KrebsM MumfordK OkerekeS Nicks
9B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeA Dufresne
10J McCreaS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeA Millan
11B NowellK OkerekeS MerrittHA KrebsA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordPT BarnumS Nicks
12B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeA Dufresne
13B NowellK OkerekeS MerrittJ BlaylockA SamarasJ McCreaHA KrebsM MumfordPT BarnumA Millan
14J McCreaS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoS BobS MerrittS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeS Nicks
15B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordPT BarnumA Millan
16B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasJ McCreaJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeA Dufresne
17B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoS BobA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeA Millan
18B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ McCreaM MumfordK OkerekeS Nicks
19J McCreaK OkerekeGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordPT BarnumA Dufresne
20B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeA Millan
21B NowellK OkerekeGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ McCreaM MumfordPT BarnumI Josipovic
22B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockS MerrittS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeS Nicks
23B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordB GoldmanA Dufresne
24B NowellK OkerekeS MerrittJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ McCreaM MumfordB GoldmanA Millan
25J McCreaS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockS MerrittS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeS Nicks
26B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoS BobA SamarasJ McCreaJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeI Josipovic
27B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordB GoldmanA Millan
28B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoS BobA SamarasS BeattyJ McCreaM MumfordK OkerekeS Nicks
29J McCreaS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordB GoldmanA Dufresne
30B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoS BobA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeA Millan
31B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ McCreaM MumfordK OkerekeS Nicks
32J McCreaK OkerekeGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordB BovaA Dufresne
33B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasJ McCreaJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeI Josipovic
34J McCreaS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeS Nicks
35B NowellS TruthS MerrittJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeA Millan
36B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoS BobA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordB BovaA Dufresne
37B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockS MerrittS BeattyJ McCreaM MumfordK OkerekeS Nicks
38B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoS BobA SamarasS BeattyJ McCreaM MumfordK OkerekeA Millan
39B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeA Dufresne
40B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordB BovaS Nicks
41B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoS BobA SamarasJ McCreaJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeA Dufresne
42B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordB BovaI Josipovic
43B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeS Nicks
44J McCreaS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeA Millan
45B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoS BobA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeA Dufresne
46J McCreaS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeI Josipovic
47B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeS Nicks
48B NowellS TruthS MerrittS BobA SamarasJ McCreaJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeA Millan
49J McCreaS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockS MerrittS BeattyJ CashM MumfordB BovaA Dufresne
50B NowellK OkerekeS MerrittS BobA SamarasS BeattyJ McCreaM MumfordB BovaI Josipovic
1-1B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeS Nicks
1-2B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeA Millan
1-3B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoS BobA SamarasS BeattyJ McCreaM MumfordK OkerekeA Dufresne
1-4J McCreaS TruthS MerrittJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeA Millan
1-5B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoS BobA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeS Nicks
1-6B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordB BovaA Dufresne
2-1B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeS Nicks
2-2J McCreaK OkerekeGM de Homem-ChristoS BobA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordB BovaA Millan
2-3B NowellS TruthS MerrittJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeS Nicks
2-4B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ McCreaM MumfordK OkerekeA Millan
2-5B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoS BobA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeS Nicks
2-6B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeA Dufresne
2-7B NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoJ BlaylockA SamarasS BeattyJ CashM MumfordK OkerekeS Nicks

By lineup position

1J CashB NowellK OkerekeS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordJ BlaylockS BeattyA Samaras
2J CashB NowellK OkerekeS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordJ BlaylockS BeattyA Samaras
3J CashS TruthM MumfordJ BlaylockS BeattyA SamarasS MerrittPT BarnumJ McCrea
4J CashB NowellK OkerekeS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordJ BlaylockS BeattyA Samaras
5K OkerekeS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordS BeattyA SamarasS MerrittHA KrebsJ McCrea
6J CashB NowellK OkerekeS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordS BeattyA SamarasS Merritt
7J CashB NowellK OkerekeS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordJ BlaylockS BeattyA Samaras
8K OkerekeS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordS BeattyA SamarasHA KrebsS MerrittJ McCrea
9J CashB NowellK OkerekeS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordJ BlaylockS BeattyA Samaras
10J CashK OkerekeS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordJ BlaylockS BeattyA SamarasJ McCrea
11J CashB NowellK OkerekeM MumfordS BeattyA SamarasPT BarnumHA KrebsS Merritt
12J CashB NowellK OkerekeS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordJ BlaylockS BeattyA Samaras
13B NowellK OkerekeM MumfordJ BlaylockA SamarasHA KrebsJ McCreaS MerrittPT Barnum
14J CashK OkerekeS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordS BeattyS BobJ McCreaS Merritt
15J CashB NowellS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordJ BlaylockS BeattyA SamarasPT Barnum
16J CashB NowellK OkerekeS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordJ BlaylockA SamarasJ McCrea
17J CashB NowellK OkerekeS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordS BeattyA SamarasS Bob
18B NowellK OkerekeS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordJ BlaylockS BeattyA SamarasJ McCrea
19J CashK OkerekeGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordJ BlaylockS BeattyA SamarasPT BarnumJ McCrea
20J CashB NowellK OkerekeS TruthGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordJ BlaylockS BeattyA Samaras
21B NowellK OkerekeM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyJ BlaylockA SamarasJ McCreaPT Barnum
22J CashB NowellK OkerekeS TruthM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyJ BlaylockS Merritt
23J CashB NowellS TruthM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyJ BlaylockA SamarasB Goldman
24B NowellK OkerekeM MumfordS BeattyJ BlaylockA SamarasS MerrittJ McCreaB Goldman
25J CashK OkerekeS TruthM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyJ BlaylockJ McCreaS Merritt
26J CashB NowellK OkerekeS TruthM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoA SamarasS BobJ McCrea
27J CashB NowellS TruthM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyJ BlaylockA SamarasB Goldman
28B NowellK OkerekeS TruthM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyA SamarasJ McCreaS Bob
29J CashS TruthM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyJ BlaylockA SamarasJ McCreaB Goldman
30J CashB NowellK OkerekeS TruthM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyA SamarasS Bob
31B NowellK OkerekeS TruthM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyJ BlaylockA SamarasJ McCrea
32J CashK OkerekeM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyA SamarasJ BlaylockJ McCreaB Bova
33J CashB NowellK OkerekeS TruthM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoA SamarasJ BlaylockJ McCrea
34J CashK OkerekeS TruthM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyA SamarasJ BlaylockJ McCrea
35J CashB NowellK OkerekeS TruthM MumfordS BeattyA SamarasJ BlaylockS Merritt
36J CashB NowellS TruthM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyA SamarasB BovaS Bob
37B NowellK OkerekeS TruthM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyJ BlaylockJ McCreaS Merritt
38B NowellK OkerekeS TruthM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyA SamarasJ McCreaS Bob
39J CashB NowellK OkerekeS TruthM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyA SamarasJ Blaylock
40J CashB NowellS TruthM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyA SamarasJ BlaylockB Bova
41J CashB NowellK OkerekeS TruthM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoA SamarasS BobJ McCrea
42J CashB NowellS TruthM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyA SamarasJ BlaylockB Bova
43J CashB NowellK OkerekeS TruthM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyA SamarasJ Blaylock
44J CashK OkerekeS TruthM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyA SamarasJ BlaylockJ McCrea
45J CashB NowellK OkerekeS TruthM MumfordGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyA SamarasS Bob
46M MumfordJ CashS TruthK OkerekeGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyA SamarasJ BlaylockJ McCrea
47M MumfordJ CashS TruthK OkerekeB NowellGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyA SamarasJ Blaylock
48M MumfordJ CashS TruthK OkerekeB NowellA SamarasS BobS MerrittJ McCrea
49M MumfordJ CashS TruthB BovaJ McCreaGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyS MerrittJ Blaylock
50M MumfordB NowellK OkerekeB BovaJ McCreaA SamarasS BeattyS MerrittS Bob
1-1M MumfordJ CashS TruthK OkerekeB NowellGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyA SamarasJ Blaylock
1-2M MumfordJ CashS TruthK OkerekeB NowellGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyA SamarasJ Blaylock
1-3M MumfordS TruthK OkerekeB NowellGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyA SamarasJ McCreaS Bob
1-4M MumfordJ CashS TruthK OkerekeS BeattyA SamarasJ BlaylockJ McCreaS Merritt
1-5M MumfordJ CashS TruthK OkerekeB NowellGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyA SamarasS Bob
1-6M MumfordJ CashS TruthB NowellGM de Homem-ChristoS BeattyA SamarasJ BlaylockB Bova
2-1B NowellJ CashS TruthK OkerekeGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordS BeattyA SamarasJ Blaylock
2-2J CashK OkerekeGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordS BeattyA SamarasS BobB BovaJ McCrea
2-3B NowellJ CashS TruthK OkerekeM MumfordS BeattyA SamarasJ BlaylockS Merritt
2-4B NowellS TruthK OkerekeGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordS BeattyA SamarasJ BlaylockJ McCrea
2-5B NowellJ CashS TruthK OkerekeGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordS BeattyA SamarasS Bob
2-6B NowellJ CashS TruthK OkerekeGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordS BeattyA SamarasJ Blaylock
2-7B NowellJ CashS TruthK OkerekeGM de Homem-ChristoM MumfordS BeattyA SamarasJ Blaylock

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