Fielding splits for Adlai Stevenson: lf cf rf gb/fb 9/ 11 1/ 1 44/ 48 ld 0/ 0 0/ 0 4/ 18 Fielding splits for Bella Abzug: lf cf rf gb/fb 82/ 85 8/ 10 5/ 6 ld 6/ 23 1/ 2 1/ 4 Fielding splits for Birch Bayh: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 20/ 26 7/ 11 15/ 20 ld 1/ 1 1/ 3 2/ 4 Fielding splits for CEO Nwabudike Morgan: 3b ss gb/fb 10/ 13 11/ 14 ld 0/ 6 0/ 2 Fielding splits for Chad Smith: lf cf rf gb/fb 17/ 17 6/ 8 3/ 3 ld 0/ 2 0/ 5 0/ 4 Fielding splits for Chris Compton: lf cf rf gb/fb 75/ 86 8/ 11 1/ 2 ld 11/ 35 1/ 7 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Colin the Corgi: lf cf gb/fb 13/ 14 123/142 ld 2/ 5 11/ 61 Fielding splits for Crystal Renn: cf rf gb/fb 17/ 17 71/ 77 ld 1/ 3 7/ 19 Fielding splits for Danny Butterman: 1b 3b gb/fb 5/ 10 4/ 7 ld 0/ 0 4/ 4 Fielding splits for Ed Brooke: lf cf gb/fb 9/ 9 39/ 41 ld 0/ 4 2/ 12 Fielding splits for Franklin Delano Bluth: lf cf rf gb/fb 61/ 62 15/ 16 20/ 20 ld 7/ 22 2/ 6 2/ 8 Fielding splits for G'Kar: lf cf rf gb/fb 1/ 1 4/ 4 27/ 29 ld 0/ 0 2/ 2 4/ 10 Fielding splits for Guy Fawkes: 1b lf gb/fb 55/ 81 15/ 16 ld 2/ 7 2/ 6 Fielding splits for Hercules: 2b 3b gb/fb 9/ 16 30/ 41 ld 0/ 3 3/ 4 Fielding splits for Hideous Hog: lf cf rf gb/fb 17/ 17 23/ 25 15/ 16 ld 2/ 7 3/ 6 1/ 4 Fielding splits for Horatio Seymour: 1b lf cf rf gb/fb 3/ 5 15/ 17 15/ 17 4/ 5 ld 1/ 2 0/ 3 1/ 2 2/ 3 Fielding splits for Imoen: lf cf rf gb/fb 4/ 4 23/ 25 20/ 20 ld 0/ 1 0/ 11 0/ 2 Fielding splits for Jack Carter: 1b 3b ss gb/fb 7/ 9 71/ 95 15/ 22 ld 0/ 1 4/ 23 1/ 4 Fielding splits for Jackie Robinson: 1b lf gb/fb 1/ 2 23/ 24 ld 0/ 0 0/ 5 Fielding splits for Jane Jacobs: 1b 2b gb/fb 52/ 73 20/ 27 ld 4/ 6 1/ 1 Fielding splits for Jasmine Tookes: lf rf gb/fb 61/ 67 19/ 20 ld 4/ 18 2/ 6 Fielding splits for John Dragonetti: cf rf gb/fb 15/ 17 45/ 47 ld 1/ 3 2/ 10 Fielding splits for John Lyly: 3b ss gb/fb 79/105 42/ 56 ld 12/ 38 3/ 11 Fielding splits for John W. Davis: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 33/ 45 16/ 26 20/ 27 ld 3/ 11 0/ 2 0/ 4 Fielding splits for Jonathan Carroll: cf rf gb/fb 27/ 37 2/ 2 ld 2/ 8 0/ 0 Fielding splits for Jose Maria Aznar Lopez: 1b 2b ss gb/fb 29/ 33 10/ 13 43/ 55 ld 0/ 3 0/ 1 0/ 0 Fielding splits for Juan Alberto Schiaffino: 1b 2b gb/fb 32/ 45 1/ 3 ld 1/ 7 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Julius Wagner-Jauregg: lf rf gb/fb 25/ 25 1/ 1 ld 7/ 15 0/ 0 Fielding splits for Kosh: 1b 3b gb/fb 40/ 57 31/ 47 ld 1/ 13 0/ 8 Fielding splits for Kostas Simitis: 2b ss gb/fb 27/ 34 42/ 60 ld 2/ 9 4/ 16 Fielding splits for Laimdota Straujuma: 1b 3b ss gb/fb 40/ 51 17/ 20 31/ 48 ld 1/ 9 3/ 5 0/ 2 Fielding splits for Lauren Mellor: 1b 3b gb/fb 4/ 6 14/ 19 ld 0/ 1 3/ 8 Fielding splits for Maeby Funke: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 25/ 36 29/ 42 18/ 24 ld 1/ 4 1/ 1 1/ 4 Fielding splits for Malala Yousafzai: cf rf gb/fb 62/ 68 63/ 66 ld 2/ 13 5/ 10 Fielding splits for Manuel Valls: lf cf rf gb/fb 1/ 1 10/ 11 5/ 5 ld 0/ 0 0/ 3 0/ 5 Fielding splits for Marcelo Branco: 2b ss gb/fb 102/130 15/ 25 ld 2/ 14 1/ 4 Fielding splits for Mart Siimann: cf rf gb/fb 29/ 33 16/ 17 ld 2/ 6 1/ 4 Fielding splits for Michael Bluth: cf rf gb/fb 25/ 29 21/ 23 ld 0/ 6 1/ 3 Fielding splits for Mike Cappelletti Jr.: 1b ss gb/fb 43/ 57 3/ 5 ld 2/ 10 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Mordechai Spiegler: 1b 2b 3b ss rf gb/fb 9/ 9 21/ 32 48/ 58 5/ 11 16/ 20 ld 1/ 3 1/ 8 6/ 7 0/ 0 1/ 5 Fielding splits for Mrs. Chippy: 1b lf gb/fb 9/ 15 84/100 ld 1/ 4 8/ 32 Fielding splits for Otto Warburg: 1b 2b 3b ss gb/fb 10/ 14 5/ 6 19/ 25 13/ 22 ld 2/ 4 0/ 1 1/ 6 0/ 7 Fielding splits for Paul Van Himst: 1b 2b gb/fb 21/ 35 6/ 10 ld 1/ 3 1/ 1 Fielding splits for Peter Watts: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 5/ 12 35/ 51 26/ 31 ld 0/ 2 2/ 11 1/ 5 Fielding splits for Pink Panther: 1b 2b ss gb/fb 54/ 80 11/ 15 24/ 33 ld 5/ 14 1/ 4 3/ 7 Fielding splits for Talia Winters: cf rf gb/fb 22/ 24 24/ 25 ld 2/ 9 1/ 5 Fielding splits for The Cat in the Hat: cf rf gb/fb 45/ 52 1/ 1 ld 6/ 15 0/ 0 Fielding splits for Thomas Hunt Morgan: lf rf gb/fb 8/ 9 10/ 13 ld 1/ 3 0/ 5 Fielding splits for Tomas Pospichal: lf rf gb/fb 12/ 12 41/ 46 ld 1/ 11 5/ 24 Fielding splits for Uwe Seeler: 1b 3b rf gb/fb 6/ 7 13/ 16 18/ 22 ld 0/ 1 0/ 2 1/ 6 Fielding splits for Viktor Ponedelnik: 2b ss gb/fb 121/164 3/ 6 ld 10/ 32 2/ 4