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Multiverse Magicians Positions Matrix, Year 49

By position

1K GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinKoshR LissackT DoctorJ TookesA BlakeJ SheridanSisko
2K GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinJa CarterR LissackT DoctorJ TookesT WintersIrisaM O'Brien
3EA AbbottIrisaS FranklinKoshJa CarterT DoctorT WintersA BlakeJ SheridanMartok
4EA AbbottIrisaS FranklinKoshR LissackT WintersJ TookesA BlakeJ SheridanSisko
5K GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinKoshR LissackT DoctorT WintersA BlakeIrisaMartok
6K GillibrandEA AbbottJa CarterKoshR LissackT DoctorJ TookesT WintersJ SheridanSisko
7K GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinKoshR LissackT DoctorJ TookesA BlakeJ SheridanL Tidhar
8K GillibrandIrisaS FranklinJa CarterR LissackT DoctorJ TookesT WintersJ SheridanM O'Brien
9K GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinJa CarterR LissackT DoctorT WintersA BlakeJ SheridanSisko
10K GillibrandIrisaJa CarterKoshR LissackT DoctorJ TookesT WintersJ SheridanMartok
11EA AbbottIrisaS FranklinKoshJa CarterT WintersJ TookesA BlakeJ SheridanTimex
12K GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinKoshJa CarterT DoctorJ TookesA BlakeJ SheridanM O'Brien
13K GillibrandIrisaS FranklinJa CarterR LissackT DoctorJ TookesT WintersJ SheridanSisko
14EA AbbottIrisaS FranklinKoshJa CarterT DoctorJ TookesA BlakeJ SheridanMartok
15K GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinKoshR LissackT WintersJ TookesA BlakeJ SheridanM O'Brien
16EA AbbottIrisaS FranklinKoshJa CarterT DoctorJ TookesA BlakeJ SheridanTimex
17K GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinKoshR LissackT DoctorT WintersJ TookesJ SheridanSisko
18EA AbbottIrisaS FranklinKoshJa CarterT DoctorT WintersA BlakeJ SheridanMartok
19K GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinJa CarterR LissackT DoctorT WintersJ TookesJ SheridanM O'Brien
20EA AbbottIrisaS FranklinKoshR LissackJ TookesT WintersA BlakeJ SheridanMartok
21K GillibrandIrisaJa CarterKoshR LissackT DoctorJ TookesA BlakeJ SheridanSisko
22K GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinKoshR LissackJ TookesT WintersA BlakeJ SheridanTimex
23K GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinKoshJa CarterT DoctorT WintersA BlakeIrisaMartok
24K GillibrandEA AbbottJa CarterKoshR LissackT DoctorT WintersJ TookesJ SheridanSisko
25K GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinJa CarterR LissackT DoctorT WintersA BlakeIrisaM O'Brien
26K GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinKoshR LissackA RosewaterJ TookesA BlakeJ SheridanMartok
27K GillibrandJ SheridanIrisaKoshJa CarterT DoctorJ TookesA RosewaterA BlakeSisko
28K GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinJ StocktonJa CarterT DoctorJ TookesA BlakeIrisaMartok
29EA AbbottJ StocktonS FranklinKoshJa CarterT DoctorJ TookesA RosewaterJ SheridanM O'Brien
30K GillibrandJ StocktonS FranklinKoshIrisaT DoctorJ TookesA BlakeJ SheridanSisko
31K GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinJ StocktonIrisaA RosewaterJ TookesA BlakeJa CarterMartok
32K GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinKoshJa CarterT DoctorJ TookesA RosewaterJ SheridanM O'Brien
33K GillibrandJ StocktonS FranklinKoshJa CarterA RosewaterJ TookesA BlakeJ SheridanSisko
34K GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinKoshIrisaT DoctorJ TookesA RosewaterJa CarterJ Ballard
35K GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinKoshIrisaT DoctorJ TookesA BlakeJ SheridanM O'Brien
36K GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinJ StocktonJa CarterT DoctorA BlakeA RosewaterJ SheridanMartok
37EA AbbottJ StocktonJa CarterKoshIrisaT DoctorJ TookesA RosewaterJ SheridanSisko
38K GillibrandJa CarterS FranklinKoshIrisaT DoctorA BlakeA RosewaterJ SheridanM O'Brien
39K GillibrandJa CarterS FranklinKoshIrisaT DoctorJ TookesA BlakeEA AbbottJ Ballard
40K GillibrandJa CarterS FranklinJ StocktonIrisaT DoctorJ TookesA RosewaterJ SheridanMartok
41EA AbbottJ StocktonS FranklinKoshJa CarterT DoctorA BlakeA RosewaterJ SheridanM O'Brien
42K GillibrandJ StocktonJa CarterKoshIrisaA RosewaterJ TookesA BlakeJ SheridanSisko
43EA AbbottJ StocktonS FranklinKoshJa CarterT DoctorJ TookesA BlakeJ SheridanMartok
44K GillibrandJa CarterS FranklinKoshIrisaT DoctorJ TookesA RosewaterJ SheridanJ Ballard
45EA AbbottJa CarterS FranklinJ StocktonIrisaT DoctorA BlakeA RosewaterJ SheridanMartok
46K GillibrandJ StocktonS FranklinKoshIrisaT DoctorJ TookesA BlakeJ SheridanM O'Brien
47EA AbbottJ StocktonJa CarterKoshIrisaT DoctorJ TookesA RosewaterJ SheridanMartok
48K GillibrandJa CarterS FranklinKoshIrisaT DoctorJ TookesA BlakeEA AbbottSisko
49EA AbbottJ StocktonS FranklinKoshJa CarterT DoctorA BlakeA RosewaterJ SheridanMartok
50K GillibrandJ StocktonJa CarterKoshIrisaT DoctorJ TookesA BlakeSlobadM O'Brien

By lineup position

1T DoctorK GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinJ SheridanKoshR LissackA BlakeJ Tookes
2T DoctorK GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinR LissackJ TookesIrisaJa CarterT Winters
3T DoctorEA AbbottS FranklinJ SheridanKoshA BlakeIrisaT WintersJa Carter
4EA AbbottS FranklinJ SheridanKoshR LissackA BlakeJ TookesIrisaT Winters
5T DoctorK GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinKoshR LissackA BlakeT WintersIrisa
6T DoctorK GillibrandEA AbbottJ SheridanKoshR LissackJ TookesT WintersJa Carter
7T DoctorK GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinJ SheridanKoshR LissackA BlakeJ Tookes
8T DoctorK GillibrandS FranklinJ SheridanR LissackJ TookesJa CarterT WintersIrisa
9T DoctorK GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinJ SheridanR LissackA BlakeT WintersJa Carter
10T DoctorK GillibrandJ SheridanKoshR LissackJ TookesT WintersJa CarterIrisa
11EA AbbottS FranklinJ SheridanKoshA BlakeJ TookesJa CarterIrisaT Winters
12T DoctorK GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinJ SheridanKoshA BlakeJ TookesJa Carter
13T DoctorK GillibrandS FranklinJ SheridanR LissackJ TookesT WintersIrisaJa Carter
14T DoctorEA AbbottS FranklinJ SheridanKoshA BlakeJ TookesJa CarterIrisa
15K GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinJ SheridanKoshR LissackA BlakeJ TookesT Winters
16T DoctorEA AbbottS FranklinJ SheridanKoshA BlakeJ TookesIrisaJa Carter
17T DoctorK GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinJ SheridanKoshR LissackT WintersJ Tookes
18T DoctorEA AbbottS FranklinJ SheridanKoshA BlakeT WintersJa CarterIrisa
19T DoctorK GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinJ SheridanR LissackT WintersJ TookesJa Carter
20EA AbbottS FranklinJ SheridanKoshR LissackA BlakeT WintersJ TookesIrisa
21T DoctorK GillibrandJ SheridanKoshR LissackA BlakeJa CarterJ TookesIrisa
22K GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinJ SheridanKoshR LissackA BlakeT WintersJ Tookes
23T DoctorK GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinKoshA BlakeT WintersJa CarterIrisa
24T DoctorK GillibrandEA AbbottJ SheridanKoshR LissackT WintersJa CarterJ Tookes
25T DoctorK GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinR LissackA BlakeT WintersIrisaJa Carter
26K GillibrandEA AbbottS FranklinJ SheridanKoshR LissackA BlakeJ TookesA Rosewater
27K GillibrandT DoctorJ SheridanKoshJa CarterJ TookesA RosewaterIrisaA Blake
28K GillibrandT DoctorJa CarterA BlakeEA AbbottS FranklinJ TookesJ StocktonIrisa
29T DoctorJ SheridanKoshEA AbbottS FranklinJ TookesJa CarterA RosewaterJ Stockton
30K GillibrandT DoctorJ SheridanKoshIrisaA BlakeS FranklinJ TookesJ Stockton
31K GillibrandIrisaA BlakeEA AbbottS FranklinJ TookesA RosewaterJa CarterJ Stockton
32K GillibrandT DoctorJ SheridanKoshEA AbbottS FranklinJ TookesJa CarterA Rosewater
33K GillibrandJ SheridanKoshA BlakeS FranklinJ TookesA RosewaterJ StocktonJa Carter
34K GillibrandT DoctorKoshIrisaEA AbbottS FranklinJ TookesJa CarterA Rosewater
35K GillibrandT DoctorJ SheridanKoshIrisaA BlakeEA AbbottS FranklinJ Tookes
36K GillibrandT DoctorJ SheridanA BlakeEA AbbottS FranklinA RosewaterJ StocktonJa Carter
37T DoctorJ SheridanKoshIrisaEA AbbottJ TookesA RosewaterJ StocktonJa Carter
38T DoctorA BlakeJ SheridanIrisaKoshK GillibrandJa CarterS FranklinA Rosewater
39T DoctorA BlakeIrisaKoshK GillibrandJa CarterS FranklinJ TookesEA Abbott
40T DoctorJ SheridanIrisaK GillibrandJa CarterS FranklinJ TookesJ StocktonA Rosewater
41T DoctorA BlakeJ SheridanKoshJa CarterS FranklinA RosewaterEA AbbottJ Stockton
42A BlakeJ SheridanIrisaKoshK GillibrandJa CarterJ TookesJ StocktonA Rosewater
43T DoctorA BlakeJ SheridanKoshJa CarterS FranklinJ TookesEA AbbottJ Stockton
44T DoctorJ SheridanIrisaKoshK GillibrandJa CarterS FranklinJ TookesA Rosewater
45T DoctorA BlakeJ SheridanIrisaJa CarterS FranklinJ StocktonA RosewaterEA Abbott
46T DoctorA BlakeJ SheridanIrisaKoshK GillibrandS FranklinJ TookesJ Stockton
47T DoctorJ SheridanIrisaKoshJa CarterJ TookesEA AbbottJ StocktonA Rosewater
48T DoctorA BlakeIrisaKoshK GillibrandJa CarterS FranklinJ TookesEA Abbott
49T DoctorA BlakeJ SheridanKoshJa CarterS FranklinJ StocktonA RosewaterEA Abbott
50T DoctorA BlakeIrisaKoshK GillibrandJa CarterJ TookesJ StocktonSlobad

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