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Pusan Protagonists Positions Matrix, Year 5

By position

1Ak'shelFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyL British
2Ak'shelFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyB Komorowski
3Ak'shelFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyR Ironfist
4Ak'shelFenixC KeenP BuckJ OlarticoecheaH TickingclockA HuxleyA DentM McFlyB Komorowski
5M McFlyFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentBluehairL British
6Ak'shelFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyH TickingclockM McFlyR Ironfist
7M McFlyFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyH TickingclockBluehairB Komorowski
8Ak'shelFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyL British
9Ak'shelFenixC KeenBluehairJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyR Ironfist
10Ak'shelR WilcoI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathH TickingclockA DentM McFlyB Komorowski
11M McFlyFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyH TickingclockBluehairL British
12Ak'shelR WilcoI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaH TickingclockA HuxleyA DentM McFlyR Ironfist
13Ak'shelFenixC KeenP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyB Komorowski
14Ak'shelFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyL British
15M McFlyFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentBluehairR Ironfist
16Ak'shelFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathH TickingclockA DentM McFlyB Komorowski
17Ak'shelFenixC KeenP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyL British
18Ak'shelR WilcoI AsimovP BuckBluehairGorathH TickingclockA DentM McFlyR Ironfist
19Ak'shelFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyB Komorowski
20M McFlyFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathH TickingclockA DentBluehairL British
21Ak'shelFenixC KeenP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyN Stavros
22Ak'shelFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyR Ironfist
23Ak'shelFenixC KeenP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathH TickingclockA DentBluehairL British
24Ak'shelFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyB Komorowski
25Ak'shelFenixC KeenP BuckBluehairH TickingclockA HuxleyA DentM McFlyR Ironfist
26Ak'shelFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathH TickingclockA DentM McFlyL British
27Ak'shelFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyH TickingclockM McFlyB Komorowski
28Ak'shelFenixI AsimovP BuckBluehairGorathA HuxleyH TickingclockM McFlyR Ironfist
29Ak'shelFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyL British
30Ak'shelR WilcoI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyB Komorowski
31M McFlyFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaH TickingclockA HuxleyA DentBluehairR Ironfist
32Ak'shelR WilcoI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyL British
33Ak'shelFenixC KeenP BuckBluehairGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyB Komorowski
34Ak'shelFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaH TickingclockA HuxleyA DentM McFlyL British
35Ak'shelFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathH TickingclockA DentM McFlyR Ironfist
36Ak'shelFenixI AsimovBluehairJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyB Komorowski
37M McFlyFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentBluehairL British
38Ak'shelFenixC KeenP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyB Komorowski
39Ak'shelFenixI AsimovP BuckBluehairGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyL British
40Ak'shelFenixI AsimovBluehairJ OlarticoecheaGorathH TickingclockA DentM McFlyR Ironfist
41Ak'shelFenixC KeenP BuckBluehairGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyL British
42Ak'shelFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyB Komorowski
43M McFlyFenixC KeenP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentBluehairL British
44Ak'shelR WilcoI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyH TickingclockM McFlyR Ironfist
45M McFlyFenixC KeenP BuckJ OlarticoecheaH TickingclockA HuxleyA DentBluehairB Komorowski
46Ak'shelFenixI AsimovBluehairJ OlarticoecheaGorathH TickingclockA DentM McFlyL British
47Ak'shelFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyR Ironfist
48Ak'shelFenixI AsimovP BuckBluehairGorathH TickingclockA DentM McFlyB Komorowski
49Ak'shelFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyA DentM McFlyL British
50Ak'shelFenixI AsimovP BuckJ OlarticoecheaGorathA HuxleyH TickingclockM McFlyR Ironfist

By lineup position

1Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP Buck
2Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP Buck
3Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP Buck
4Ak'shelFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaP BuckH TickingclockC Keen
5I AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP BuckBluehair
6Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP BuckH Tickingclock
7I AsimovFenixM McFlyA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP BuckH TickingclockBluehair
8Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP Buck
9Ak'shelFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathC KeenBluehair
10Ak'shelI AsimovM McFlyA DentJ OlarticoecheaGorathP BuckH TickingclockR Wilco
11I AsimovFenixM McFlyA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP BuckH TickingclockBluehair
12Ak'shelI AsimovM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaP BuckH TickingclockR Wilco
13Ak'shelFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP BuckC Keen
14Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP Buck
15I AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP BuckBluehair
16Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentJ OlarticoecheaGorathP BuckH Tickingclock
17Ak'shelFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP BuckC Keen
18Ak'shelI AsimovM McFlyA DentGorathP BuckH TickingclockBluehairR Wilco
19Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP Buck
20I AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentJ OlarticoecheaGorathP BuckH TickingclockBluehair
21Ak'shelFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP BuckC Keen
22Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP Buck
23Ak'shelFenixA DentJ OlarticoecheaGorathP BuckC KeenH TickingclockBluehair
24Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP Buck
25Ak'shelFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyP BuckC KeenBluehairH Tickingclock
26Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentJ OlarticoecheaGorathP BuckH Tickingclock
27Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP BuckH Tickingclock
28Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA HuxleyGorathP BuckH TickingclockBluehair
29Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP Buck
30Ak'shelI AsimovM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP BuckR Wilco
31I AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaP BuckH TickingclockBluehair
32Ak'shelI AsimovM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP BuckR Wilco
33Ak'shelFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyGorathP BuckC KeenBluehair
34Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaP BuckH Tickingclock
35Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentJ OlarticoecheaGorathP BuckH Tickingclock
36Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathBluehair
37I AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP BuckBluehair
38Ak'shelFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP BuckC Keen
39Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyGorathP BuckBluehair
40Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentJ OlarticoecheaGorathH TickingclockBluehair
41Ak'shelFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyGorathP BuckBluehairC Keen
42Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP Buck
43FenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP BuckBluehairC Keen
44Ak'shelI AsimovM McFlyA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP BuckR WilcoH Tickingclock
45FenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaP BuckC KeenBluehairH Tickingclock
46Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentJ OlarticoecheaGorathBluehairH Tickingclock
47Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP Buck
48Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentGorathP BuckH TickingclockBluehair
49Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA DentA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP Buck
50Ak'shelI AsimovFenixM McFlyA HuxleyJ OlarticoecheaGorathP BuckH Tickingclock

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