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Washington Gridlock Positions Matrix, Year 53

By position

1K PittmanT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtM MansfieldD WebsterE BrookeT DoctorM Young
2K PittmanT GarrnEl WarrenD FeinsteinW BrandtM MansfieldD WebsterE BrookeA BibleBeatrice
3K PittmanT GarrnP MurrayE RepseEl WarrenM MansfieldP McCarranE BrookeT DoctorM Young
4K PittmanT GarrnEl WarrenE RepseW BrandtM MansfieldD WebsterE BrookeT DoctorM Young
5El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayD FeinsteinW BrandtM MansfieldHeroE BrookeT DoctorBeatrice
6K PittmanT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtM MansfieldD WebsterE BrookeT DoctorM Young
7K PittmanT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtM MansfieldD WebsterHeroA BibleBeatrice
8K PittmanT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtM MansfieldHeroE BrookeT DoctorM Rubio
9El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtM MansfieldD WebsterE BrookeT DoctorM Young
10K PittmanT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtM MansfieldHeroE BrookeT DoctorBeatrice
11K PittmanT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtM MansfieldD WebsterE BrookeT DoctorM Rubio
12K PittmanT GarrnP MurrayD FeinsteinW BrandtM MansfieldD WebsterE BrookeT DoctorM Young
13K PittmanT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtM MansfieldD WebsterHeroT DoctorM Rubio
14K PittmanT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtM MansfieldD WebsterE BrookeT DoctorBeatrice
15El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayD FeinsteinW BrandtM MansfieldD WebsterE BrookeA BibleM Young
16K PittmanT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtM MansfieldHeroE BrookeT DoctorM Rubio
17K PittmanT GarrnEl WarrenE RepseW BrandtM MansfieldD WebsterE BrookeT DoctorBeatrice
18K PittmanT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtM MansfieldD WebsterE BrookeT DoctorM Young
19K PittmanT GarrnEl WarrenE RepseW BrandtHeroD WebsterE BrookeT DoctorM Rubio
20K PittmanT GarrnP MurrayD FeinsteinW BrandtM MansfieldD WebsterE BrookeA BibleBeatrice
21El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtM MansfieldD WebsterE BrookeT DoctorM Young
22K PittmanT GarrnP MurrayD FeinsteinW BrandtM MansfieldD WebsterE BrookeT DoctorM Young
23El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtHeroD WebsterE BrookeT DoctorBeatrice
24El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtHeroD WebsterE BrookeA BibleGe Kelly
25El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayD FeinsteinW BrandtHeroD WebsterE BrookeT DoctorM Young
26El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtHeroD WebsterP McCarranT DoctorM Rubio
27El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtHeroP McCarranE BrookeT DoctorGe Kelly
28D WebsterT GarrnEl WarrenD FeinsteinW BrandtHeroP McCarranE BrookeA BibleM Young
29El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtHeroD WebsterE BrookeA BibleBeatrice
30El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtHeroD WebsterE BrookeT DoctorM Rubio
31El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayD FeinsteinW BrandtHeroD WebsterP McCarranT DoctorBeatrice
32El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtHeroD WebsterE BrookeT DoctorGe Kelly
33El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayD FeinsteinW BrandtHeroD WebsterP McCarranT DoctorM Young
34D WebsterT GarrnEl WarrenE RepseW BrandtHeroP McCarranE BrookeT DoctorM Rubio
35El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtHeroD WebsterE BrookeT DoctorBeatrice
36D WebsterT GarrnEl WarrenD FeinsteinW BrandtHeroP McCarranE BrookeT DoctorGe Kelly
37El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtHeroD WebsterE BrookeA BibleM Young
38D WebsterT GarrnP MurrayD FeinsteinW BrandtHeroP McCarranE BrookeT DoctorM Rubio
39D WebsterT GarrnEl WarrenE RepseW BrandtHeroP McCarranE BrookeT DoctorGe Kelly
40El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtP McCarranD WebsterE BrookeT DoctorBeatrice
41El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtHeroD WebsterP McCarranT DoctorM Young
42D WebsterT GarrnEl WarrenD FeinsteinW BrandtHeroP McCarranE BrookeT DoctorM Rubio
43El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtHeroD WebsterE BrookeT DoctorM Young
44D WebsterT GarrnEl WarrenE RepseW BrandtHeroP McCarranE BrookeA BibleGe Kelly
45El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayD FeinsteinW BrandtHeroD WebsterE BrookeT DoctorBeatrice
46D WebsterT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtHeroP McCarranE BrookeT DoctorM Rubio
47D WebsterT GarrnEl WarrenE RepseW BrandtHeroP McCarranE BrookeT DoctorM Young
48El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayD FeinsteinW BrandtHeroD WebsterE BrookeT DoctorGe Kelly
49El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayE RepseW BrandtHeroP McCarranE BrookeT DoctorM Young
50El WarrenT GarrnP MurrayD FeinsteinW BrandtHeroD WebsterE BrookeT DoctorBeatrice

By lineup position

1M MansfieldE RepseT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeK PittmanD Webster
2M MansfieldW BrandtT GarrnE BrookeK PittmanD WebsterEl WarrenA BibleD Feinstein
3M MansfieldE RepseT DoctorP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeK PittmanP McCarranEl Warren
4M MansfieldE RepseT DoctorW BrandtT GarrnE BrookeK PittmanD WebsterEl Warren
5M MansfieldT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeHeroD FeinsteinEl Warren
6M MansfieldE RepseT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeK PittmanD Webster
7M MansfieldE RepseW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnK PittmanD WebsterHeroA Bible
8M MansfieldE RepseT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeK PittmanHero
9M MansfieldE RepseT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeD WebsterEl Warren
10M MansfieldE RepseT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeK PittmanHero
11M MansfieldE RepseT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeK PittmanD Webster
12M MansfieldT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeK PittmanD WebsterD Feinstein
13M MansfieldE RepseT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnK PittmanD WebsterHero
14M MansfieldE RepseT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeK PittmanD Webster
15M MansfieldW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeD WebsterA BibleD FeinsteinEl Warren
16M MansfieldE RepseT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeK PittmanHero
17M MansfieldE RepseT DoctorW BrandtT GarrnE BrookeK PittmanD WebsterEl Warren
18M MansfieldE RepseT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeK PittmanD Webster
19E RepseT DoctorW BrandtT GarrnE BrookeK PittmanD WebsterHeroEl Warren
20M MansfieldW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeK PittmanD WebsterA BibleD Feinstein
21M MansfieldE RepseT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeD WebsterEl Warren
22M MansfieldT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeK PittmanD WebsterD Feinstein
23El WarrenE RepseT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeHeroD Webster
24El WarrenE RepseW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeHeroD WebsterA Bible
25El WarrenT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeHeroD WebsterD Feinstein
26El WarrenE RepseT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnHeroD WebsterP McCarran
27El WarrenE RepseT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeHeroP McCarran
28El WarrenW BrandtT GarrnE BrookeHeroD WebsterA BibleD FeinsteinP McCarran
29El WarrenE RepseW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeHeroD WebsterA Bible
30El WarrenE RepseT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeHeroD Webster
31El WarrenT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnHeroD WebsterP McCarranD Feinstein
32El WarrenE RepseT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeHeroD Webster
33El WarrenT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnHeroD WebsterP McCarranD Feinstein
34El WarrenE RepseT DoctorW BrandtT GarrnE BrookeHeroD WebsterP McCarran
35El WarrenE RepseT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeHeroD Webster
36El WarrenT DoctorW BrandtT GarrnE BrookeHeroD WebsterP McCarranD Feinstein
37El WarrenE RepseW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeHeroD WebsterA Bible
38T DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeHeroD WebsterD FeinsteinP McCarran
39El WarrenE RepseT DoctorW BrandtT GarrnE BrookeHeroD WebsterP McCarran
40El WarrenE RepseT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeD WebsterP McCarran
41El WarrenE RepseT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnHeroD WebsterP McCarran
42El WarrenT DoctorW BrandtT GarrnE BrookeHeroD WebsterP McCarranD Feinstein
43El WarrenE RepseT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeHeroD Webster
44El WarrenE RepseW BrandtT GarrnE BrookeHeroD WebsterP McCarranA Bible
45El WarrenT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeHeroD WebsterD Feinstein
46E RepseT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeHeroD WebsterP McCarran
47El WarrenE RepseT DoctorW BrandtT GarrnE BrookeHeroD WebsterP McCarran
48El WarrenT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeHeroD WebsterD Feinstein
49El WarrenE RepseT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeHeroP McCarran
50El WarrenT DoctorW BrandtP MurrayT GarrnE BrookeHeroD WebsterD Feinstein

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