Fielding splits for Adolphus Busch: lf rf gb/fb 2/ 2 8/ 10 ld 0/ 1 0/ 3 Fielding splits for Alfonso Ribeiro: 1b 2b 3b ss gb/fb 2/ 3 3/ 4 9/ 14 55/ 84 ld 0/ 0 1/ 1 1/ 3 7/ 24 Fielding splits for Andre the Giant: 1b rf gb/fb 0/ 0 58/ 67 ld 0/ 1 7/ 21 Fielding splits for Armistead Burwell Smith IV: 1b 3b gb/fb 1/ 3 13/ 19 ld 0/ 1 0/ 2 Fielding splits for Arnold Ziffel: 3b ss gb/fb 5/ 9 5/ 8 ld 3/ 6 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Arthur Charles Clarke: lf rf gb/fb 38/ 41 17/ 18 ld 5/ 10 1/ 3 Fielding splits for Athol Fugard: 1b ss gb/fb 4/ 6 3/ 4 ld 1/ 1 1/ 2 Fielding splits for Ben Jonson: 1b 3b gb/fb 19/ 30 73/ 99 ld 2/ 6 4/ 19 Fielding splits for Bret "The Hitman" Hart: 1b 3b gb/fb 34/ 58 5/ 6 ld 3/ 13 0/ 0 Fielding splits for Brian Cowen: lf cf rf gb/fb 16/ 18 17/ 18 24/ 24 ld 3/ 6 1/ 8 3/ 12 Fielding splits for Bruce Banner: lf cf gb/fb 8/ 8 141/151 ld 0/ 1 12/ 42 Fielding splits for Carol Emshwiller: 1b 3b ss gb/fb 3/ 3 17/ 25 44/ 62 ld 0/ 0 1/ 9 7/ 27 Fielding splits for Chris Cornell: 1b 2b gb/fb 1/ 1 13/ 17 ld 0/ 0 1/ 4 Fielding splits for Cindy Crawford: cf rf gb/fb 162/176 7/ 7 ld 8/ 32 1/ 3 Fielding splits for Cornelius Vanderbilt: 1b 2b 3b ss gb/fb 12/ 16 20/ 28 24/ 34 7/ 14 ld 0/ 0 1/ 5 0/ 9 0/ 0 Fielding splits for Dobie Gillis: 2b lf gb/fb 28/ 40 13/ 18 ld 0/ 6 0/ 4 Fielding splits for Emil von Behring: cf rf gb/fb 16/ 18 7/ 7 ld 2/ 7 0/ 6 Fielding splits for Enzo Scifo: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 38/ 45 12/ 22 3/ 4 ld 3/ 8 2/ 5 1/ 2 Fielding splits for Eric Murray: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 19/ 25 43/ 49 5/ 6 ld 1/ 1 4/ 13 0/ 0 Fielding splits for Eugene O'Neill: lf cf gb/fb 75/ 79 2/ 3 ld 2/ 17 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Floyd Lawson: 1b lf rf gb/fb 5/ 7 17/ 18 2/ 2 ld 0/ 1 1/ 4 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Fulvio Fantoni: lf rf gb/fb 1/ 4 8/ 8 ld 0/ 1 0/ 0 Fielding splits for George Westinghouse: cf rf gb/fb 90/ 97 35/ 40 ld 6/ 26 4/ 14 Fielding splits for Giuseppe Meazza: lf cf gb/fb 3/ 3 143/151 ld 0/ 3 16/ 48 Fielding splits for Hal Jordan: 1b ss gb/fb 29/ 37 4/ 6 ld 2/ 8 1/ 2 Fielding splits for Hillary Tickingclock: lf cf gb/fb 16/ 18 49/ 56 ld 1/ 5 2/ 11 Fielding splits for Horst Hrubesch: lf cf rf gb/fb 5/ 6 14/ 16 56/ 62 ld 1/ 6 0/ 2 1/ 13 Fielding splits for Isaac Asimov: 1b 2b 3b gb/fb 2/ 5 45/ 60 5/ 11 ld 0/ 0 9/ 19 2/ 5 Fielding splits for Iveta Radicova: 1b ss gb/fb 19/ 27 19/ 31 ld 2/ 8 1/ 7 Fielding splits for Jack Daniel: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 4/ 4 7/ 9 48/ 65 ld 0/ 0 0/ 0 6/ 21 Fielding splits for James Graham Ballard: lf cf gb/fb 10/ 11 14/ 17 ld 1/ 2 2/ 8 Fielding splits for Jar Jar Binks: 1b 2b 3b ss gb/fb 15/ 25 4/ 5 5/ 7 4/ 10 ld 0/ 2 0/ 1 0/ 3 0/ 2 Fielding splits for Jean-Paul Sartre: 1b 2b ss gb/fb 19/ 30 2/ 2 102/147 ld 0/ 2 0/ 0 8/ 25 Fielding splits for Jeff Probst: lf cf gb/fb 45/ 48 10/ 12 ld 1/ 18 0/ 5 Fielding splits for Jimmy Kimmel: 1b 2b 3b ss gb/fb 1/ 1 2/ 2 8/ 9 114/139 ld 0/ 0 1/ 2 0/ 2 10/ 41 Fielding splits for Jules Winnfield: lf rf gb/fb 1/ 1 4/ 4 ld 0/ 0 0/ 1 Fielding splits for King C. Gillette: cf rf gb/fb 100/113 22/ 22 ld 9/ 37 4/ 9 Fielding splits for Leo Bloom: 1b lf cf rf gb/fb 1/ 1 5/ 7 58/ 68 11/ 11 ld 0/ 1 0/ 0 7/ 26 1/ 2 Fielding splits for Levi Strauss: 2b ss gb/fb 12/ 15 22/ 32 ld 3/ 10 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Lucy Ricardo: 1b 2b gb/fb 5/ 8 47/ 64 ld 0/ 0 9/ 19 Fielding splits for Marcia Brady: lf cf rf gb/fb 10/ 10 29/ 31 2/ 2 ld 0/ 2 5/ 8 0/ 2 Fielding splits for Mari Kiviniemi: lf cf gb/fb 10/ 11 52/ 57 ld 2/ 4 3/ 18 Fielding splits for Marilyn Manson: lf cf gb/fb 38/ 41 6/ 6 ld 5/ 16 1/ 3 Fielding splits for Mark Rutte: 2b 3b gb/fb 35/ 45 11/ 12 ld 9/ 29 1/ 7 Fielding splits for Max Planck: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 7/ 11 1/ 2 84/120 ld 3/ 8 0/ 1 9/ 32 Fielding splits for Maynard G. Krebs: 2b 3b gb/fb 69/ 94 29/ 39 ld 5/ 18 6/ 9 Fielding splits for Michael Stipe: lf cf gb/fb 11/ 14 125/140 ld 1/ 7 8/ 35 Fielding splits for Miles "Tails" Prower: 1b 2b gb/fb 10/ 13 17/ 21 ld 0/ 2 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Olga Kurylenko: 1b 2b 3b ss lf gb/fb 40/ 52 4/ 9 6/ 13 35/ 47 9/ 9 ld 3/ 9 0/ 0 0/ 0 2/ 9 0/ 4 Fielding splits for Omar Sharif: lf cf rf gb/fb 11/ 12 25/ 30 32/ 32 ld 0/ 2 0/ 3 4/ 12 Fielding splits for Peter Buck: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 15/ 25 12/ 14 6/ 8 ld 1/ 6 1/ 2 0/ 2 Fielding splits for Princess Zelda: lf cf rf gb/fb 27/ 32 11/ 14 4/ 4 ld 2/ 9 1/ 3 0/ 1 Fielding splits for R2D2: lf cf rf gb/fb 3/ 3 12/ 14 16/ 18 ld 0/ 0 1/ 4 2/ 3 Fielding splits for Richard Karn: lf cf rf gb/fb 7/ 8 3/ 4 2/ 2 ld 0/ 0 0/ 0 1/ 4 Fielding splits for Ronald Ross: lf cf rf gb/fb 7/ 10 3/ 4 13/ 14 ld 2/ 7 0/ 4 1/ 3 Fielding splits for Samuel Beckett: lf cf rf gb/fb 8/ 8 12/ 17 48/ 53 ld 0/ 1 3/ 7 2/ 10 Fielding splits for Scott Summers: 1b 2b 3b gb/fb 14/ 19 64/ 82 15/ 23 ld 0/ 3 9/ 23 3/ 8 Fielding splits for Sonic the Hedgehog: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 79/102 18/ 26 15/ 23 ld 6/ 25 3/ 6 2/ 7 Fielding splits for Stanislaw Lem: 1b 2b gb/fb 2/ 5 17/ 23 ld 1/ 2 0/ 5 Fielding splits for Toejam: lf cf gb/fb 23/ 24 12/ 13 ld 6/ 9 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Viktor Orban: 1b 3b ss gb/fb 2/ 2 14/ 17 15/ 19 ld 0/ 2 1/ 3 2/ 4 Fielding splits for Wilhelm Roentgen: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 4/ 7 11/ 16 78/111 ld 0/ 2 1/ 3 4/ 23 Fielding splits for Xzar: 3b ss gb/fb 83/116 3/ 4 ld 3/ 23 1/ 1