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San Jose Sprites Positions Matrix, Year 60

By position

1M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosQuote
2M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossM FeyP FeyM GalacticaC BraceKratosF von Karma
3M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonP FeyAsheD HawthorneKratosR Berry
4M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosNa Drake
5C BraceJ SunderlandFranM FeyHe MasonAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneP FeyQuote
6M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossM FeyP FeyAsheD HawthorneKratosF von Karma
7M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosQuote
8C BraceJ SunderlandM FeyB BossHe MasonP FeyAsheD HawthorneKratosR Berry
9M EdgeworthC BraceFranB BossM FeyAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosNa Drake
10C BraceJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneP FeyF von Karma
11M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranM FeyHe MasonAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosQuote
12M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossM FeyP FeyM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosNa Drake
13M EdgeworthC BraceFranB BossHe MasonP FeyAsheD HawthorneKratosF von Karma
14M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossM FeyAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneP FeyR Berry
15M EdgeworthJ SunderlandM FeyB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaC BraceKratosQuote
16C BraceJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneP FeyNa Drake
17M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosR Berry
18C BraceJ SunderlandM FeyB BossHe MasonP FeyM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosF von Karma
19M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonP FeyAsheD HawthorneKratosQuote
20M EdgeworthJ SunderlandM FeyB BossHe MasonP FeyM GalacticaC BraceKratosR Berry
21M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossM FeyP FeyAsheD HawthorneKratosF von Karma
22M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosNa Drake
23C BraceJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonP FeyAsheD HawthorneKratosQuote
24M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneP FeyF von Karma
25M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossM FeyAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosNa Drake
26M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossM FeyP FeyAsheD HawthorneKratosQuote
27C BraceJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosNa Drake
28M EdgeworthJ SunderlandM FeyB BossHe MasonP FeyM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosF von Karma
29C BraceJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonP FeyM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosNa Drake
30M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneP FeyQuote
31M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosNa Drake
32C BraceJ SunderlandFranB BossM FeyAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosF von Karma
33M EdgeworthJ SunderlandM FeyB BossHe MasonP FeyM GalacticaC BraceKratosQuote
34M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosNa Drake
35C BraceJ SunderlandFranB BossM FeyP FeyAsheD HawthorneKratosR Berry
36M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosQuote
37M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonP FeyM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosF von Karma
38M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossM FeyP FeyAsheD HawthorneKratosNa Drake
39M EdgeworthJ SunderlandM FeyB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaC BraceKratosQuote
40M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosNa Drake
41M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossM FeyAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneP FeyQuote
42M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaC BraceKratosNa Drake
43C BraceJ SunderlandM FeyB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosF von Karma
44M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosQuote
45M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossM FeyAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneP FeyNa Drake
46C BraceJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosE Skye
47M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonP FeyM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosQuote
48C BraceJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosF von Karma
49M EdgeworthJ SunderlandM FeyB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaC BraceKratosNa Drake
50M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonP FeyAsheD HawthorneKratosQuote
1-1M EdgeworthJ SunderlandFranB BossHe MasonAsheM GalacticaD HawthorneKratosQuote

By lineup position

1AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranM Galactica
2B BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosFranM GalacticaC BraceM FeyP Fey
3AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranP Fey
4AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranM Galactica
5AsheJ SunderlandHe MasonD HawthorneFranM GalacticaP FeyM FeyC Brace
6AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosD HawthorneFranP FeyM Fey
7AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranM Galactica
8AsheB BossJ SunderlandKratosHe MasonD HawthorneP FeyC BraceM Fey
9AsheB BossM EdgeworthKratosD HawthorneFranM GalacticaM FeyC Brace
10AsheB BossJ SunderlandHe MasonD HawthorneFranM GalacticaC BraceP Fey
11AsheJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranM GalacticaM Fey
12B BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosD HawthorneFranM GalacticaP FeyM Fey
13AsheB BossM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranP FeyC Brace
14AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthD HawthorneFranM GalacticaP FeyM Fey
15AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonM GalacticaM FeyC Brace
16AsheB BossJ SunderlandHe MasonD HawthorneFranM GalacticaC BraceP Fey
17AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranM Galactica
18B BossJ SunderlandKratosHe MasonD HawthorneM GalacticaC BraceM FeyP Fey
19AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranP Fey
20B BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonM GalacticaM FeyC BraceP Fey
21AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosD HawthorneFranP FeyM Fey
22AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranM Galactica
23AsheB BossJ SunderlandKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranP FeyC Brace
24AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthHe MasonD HawthorneFranM GalacticaP Fey
25AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosD HawthorneFranM GalacticaM Fey
26AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosD HawthorneFranP FeyM Fey
27AsheB BossJ SunderlandKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranM GalacticaC Brace
28B BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonD HawthorneM GalacticaP FeyM Fey
29B BossJ SunderlandKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranM GalacticaC BraceP Fey
30AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthHe MasonD HawthorneFranM GalacticaP Fey
31AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranM Galactica
32AsheB BossJ SunderlandKratosD HawthorneFranM GalacticaM FeyC Brace
33B BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonM GalacticaP FeyM FeyC Brace
34AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranM Galactica
35AsheB BossJ SunderlandKratosD HawthorneFranM FeyP FeyC Brace
36AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranM Galactica
37B BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranM GalacticaP Fey
38AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosD HawthorneFranM FeyP Fey
39AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonM GalacticaM FeyC Brace
40AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranM Galactica
41AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthD HawthorneFranM GalacticaP FeyM Fey
42AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonFranM GalacticaC Brace
43AsheB BossJ SunderlandKratosHe MasonD HawthorneM GalacticaC BraceM Fey
44AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranM Galactica
45AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthD HawthorneFranM GalacticaM FeyP Fey
46AsheB BossJ SunderlandKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranM GalacticaC Brace
47B BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranM GalacticaP Fey
48AsheB BossJ SunderlandKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranM GalacticaC Brace
49AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonM GalacticaM FeyC Brace
50AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranP Fey
1-1AsheB BossJ SunderlandM EdgeworthKratosHe MasonD HawthorneFranM Galactica

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