Fielding splits for Angie Harmon: 1b 2b 3b ss gb/fb 7/ 8 32/ 51 10/ 13 13/ 17 ld 0/ 0 0/ 5 0/ 2 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Ben Pepper: lf cf rf gb/fb 5/ 5 33/ 38 2/ 2 ld 0/ 1 5/ 11 1/ 1 Fielding splits for Brabantio: lf cf rf gb/fb 47/ 50 43/ 50 4/ 4 ld 7/ 19 5/ 15 1/ 2 Fielding splits for Bree Sharp: 3b ss gb/fb 42/ 64 126/163 ld 3/ 7 2/ 10 Fielding splits for Brutus: 1b rf gb/fb 4/ 7 5/ 5 ld 1/ 2 0/ 2 Fielding splits for Casca: 2b 3b cf gb/fb 11/ 14 11/ 15 7/ 8 ld 1/ 1 2/ 8 3/ 6 Fielding splits for Continuation of a Myth: lf cf rf gb/fb 10/ 11 5/ 5 35/ 39 ld 1/ 3 0/ 2 3/ 10 Fielding splits for Cory Baxter: 2b 3b gb/fb 4/ 6 2/ 2 ld 0/ 1 0/ 0 Fielding splits for Danielle Bregoli: 2b 3b gb/fb 7/ 17 24/ 43 ld 0/ 3 2/ 2 Fielding splits for Danielle Harrington: 3b ss gb/fb 1/ 4 17/ 22 ld 0/ 5 2/ 7 Fielding splits for Dolph Schayes: 1b 3b gb/fb 13/ 23 10/ 12 ld 2/ 12 1/ 1 Fielding splits for Eddie Van Halen: lf cf gb/fb 3/ 3 42/ 44 ld 1/ 3 4/ 9 Fielding splits for Edita Vilkeviciute: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 36/ 55 8/ 13 42/ 63 ld 1/ 7 0/ 1 5/ 13 Fielding splits for Erich Von Drygalski: lf cf rf gb/fb 23/ 25 28/ 31 0/ 0 ld 1/ 5 0/ 5 1/ 1 Fielding splits for Erin Burnett: 1b ss gb/fb 45/ 60 31/ 46 ld 2/ 10 1/ 5 Fielding splits for Excellent Raymond: lf cf rf gb/fb 17/ 19 21/ 25 14/ 16 ld 1/ 2 2/ 5 0/ 4 Fielding splits for Francis Drake: 3b ss gb/fb 3/ 5 66/ 98 ld 1/ 2 6/ 20 Fielding splits for Frank Langella: 2b 3b gb/fb 37/ 48 21/ 29 ld 2/ 9 2/ 2 Fielding splits for George Vancouver: 2b cf gb/fb 89/146 9/ 12 ld 6/ 31 1/ 3 Fielding splits for Geronimo Barbadillo Gonzalez: lf cf gb/fb 64/ 69 13/ 14 ld 11/ 37 1/ 5 Fielding splits for Gianni Rivera: 1b ss gb/fb 32/ 57 41/ 63 ld 5/ 17 6/ 20 Fielding splits for Gil Eanes: lf cf rf gb/fb 10/ 10 22/ 26 9/ 9 ld 0/ 2 0/ 3 1/ 2 Fielding splits for Grandmaster Caz: lf rf gb/fb 34/ 41 52/ 60 ld 4/ 13 2/ 16 Fielding splits for Greta Van Susteren: 1b 3b ss gb/fb 5/ 9 12/ 14 19/ 29 ld 3/ 6 1/ 5 0/ 4 Fielding splits for Harry "Snapper" Organs: cf rf gb/fb 60/ 62 36/ 38 ld 2/ 19 1/ 4 Fielding splits for Henry Hudson: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 8/ 15 10/ 12 55/ 78 ld 0/ 0 0/ 0 2/ 6 Fielding splits for Henry Wensleydale: 1b 2b 3b gb/fb 3/ 5 33/ 40 11/ 12 ld 0/ 0 0/ 4 0/ 0 Fielding splits for Jeravicious Raven: 2b 3b gb/fb 37/ 48 63/ 74 ld 3/ 5 4/ 6 Fielding splits for Jules Cobb: 2b 3b ss lf cf rf gb/fb 4/ 5 8/ 9 7/ 12 3/ 3 1/ 1 21/ 22 ld 0/ 0 0/ 1 0/ 3 0/ 0 0/ 0 0/ 2 Fielding splits for Keiga the Tide Star: 3b ss gb/fb 17/ 29 114/168 ld 5/ 12 11/ 44 Fielding splits for Kyle Korver: 1b 2b ss gb/fb 27/ 38 11/ 18 28/ 53 ld 3/ 8 1/ 6 1/ 12 Fielding splits for Lais Ribero: cf rf gb/fb 42/ 51 61/ 63 ld 1/ 13 4/ 22 Fielding splits for Megan Gale: 1b 3b gb/fb 10/ 14 28/ 46 ld 2/ 5 2/ 14 Fielding splits for Megan Williams: 1b 3b gb/fb 1/ 1 70/107 ld 0/ 1 4/ 23 Fielding splits for Michael Landon: lf rf gb/fb 68/ 75 3/ 4 ld 2/ 9 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Nathan Kress: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 17/ 33 17/ 35 19/ 27 ld 0/ 6 1/ 7 1/ 3 Fielding splits for Nejib Ghommidh: 1b 3b gb/fb 12/ 25 8/ 11 ld 1/ 2 0/ 4 Fielding splits for Nia Baxter: lf rf gb/fb 2/ 3 4/ 4 ld 1/ 1 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Noah Daniels: 2b ss gb/fb 20/ 27 119/190 ld 1/ 5 12/ 52 Fielding splits for Notorious B.I.G.: lf cf gb/fb 11/ 11 137/147 ld 1/ 1 8/ 35 Fielding splits for Osvaldo Ardiles: 3b ss gb/fb 10/ 13 118/188 ld 2/ 4 14/ 48 Fielding splits for Rainer Shine: cf rf gb/fb 8/ 9 1/ 1 ld 1/ 2 0/ 0 Fielding splits for Randall Munroe: 1b ss gb/fb 8/ 14 13/ 22 ld 0/ 1 1/ 4 Fielding splits for Randy Quaid: lf rf gb/fb 3/ 3 50/ 52 ld 0/ 0 1/ 9 Fielding splits for Ravenous Baloth: lf cf rf gb/fb 13/ 15 36/ 43 3/ 3 ld 0/ 1 8/ 19 1/ 2 Fielding splits for Rebecca Gayheart: lf rf gb/fb 15/ 20 23/ 28 ld 1/ 5 0/ 4 Fielding splits for Robert Patrick: 2b 3b gb/fb 35/ 53 86/111 ld 1/ 3 5/ 13 Fielding splits for Romario de Souza Faria: lf rf gb/fb 28/ 30 20/ 22 ld 0/ 9 6/ 13 Fielding splits for Scott La Rock: 1b 2b 3b gb/fb 10/ 12 13/ 19 8/ 14 ld 2/ 9 0/ 3 1/ 6 Fielding splits for Sharin Foo: lf cf gb/fb 24/ 27 12/ 12 ld 3/ 7 0/ 2 Fielding splits for Skee-Lo: lf cf rf gb/fb 17/ 19 11/ 19 11/ 15 ld 3/ 9 3/ 8 4/ 15 Fielding splits for Stelmaria: 1b lf gb/fb 36/ 61 19/ 19 ld 4/ 19 0/ 3 Fielding splits for Suzanne Cryer: cf rf gb/fb 70/ 77 23/ 27 ld 4/ 21 2/ 6 Fielding splits for Toto: 1b 2b 3b ss gb/fb 4/ 5 16/ 23 1/ 1 5/ 6 ld 0/ 0 0/ 4 0/ 0 1/ 3 Fielding splits for Vincent D'Onofrio: 2b 3b ss gb/fb 50/ 64 6/ 6 33/ 47 ld 0/ 16 0/ 2 6/ 13 Fielding splits for Wicked Witch of the East: lf rf gb/fb 5/ 6 6/ 6 ld 1/ 6 0/ 1 Fielding splits for Wizard of Oz: lf cf rf gb/fb 5/ 6 12/ 13 7/ 8 ld 0/ 1 0/ 1 0/ 2 Fielding splits for Yosei the Morning Star: 2b ss gb/fb 9/ 20 46/ 73 ld 1/ 1 8/ 22