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San Jose Sexwales Positions Matrix, Year 76

By position

1C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardF Coffee
2C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardB Holmes
3C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoJ RavenCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardF Coffee
4C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardI Grover
5C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoJ RavenM FineCW TennisC PoonE RaymondL SkylizardF Coffee
6C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardB Holmes
7C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardI Grover
8C DunphyA MachadoJ RavenM DelgadoM FineCW TennisE RaymondT SweetsterL SkylizardF Coffee
9S KoolimoA MachadoS BronzoJ RavenM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardB Holmes
10C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisE RaymondT SweetsterL SkylizardI Grover
11S KoolimoA MachadoJ RavenM DelgadoM FineE RaymondC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardF Coffee
12C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonE RaymondL SkylizardB Holmes
13C DunphyS KoolimoS BronzoJ RavenM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardI Grover
14S KoolimoA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonE RaymondL SkylizardF Coffee
15C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardB Holmes
16C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonE RaymondL SkylizardI Grover
17C DunphyS KoolimoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardF Coffee
18C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoJ RavenM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardB Holmes
19S KoolimoA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardF Coffee
20C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoJ RavenM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterS KoolimoI Grover
21C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardB Holmes
22C DunphyS KoolimoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonE RaymondL SkylizardF Coffee
23C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoJ RavenM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardS Cook
24C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonE RaymondS KoolimoI Grover
25S KoolimoA MachadoS BronzoJ RavenM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardB Holmes
26C DunphyS KoolimoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardF Coffee
27C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisE RaymondT SweetsterL SkylizardB Holmes
28C DunphyA MachadoJ RavenM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardF Coffee
29C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonE RaymondS KoolimoI Grover
30C DunphyS KoolimoS BronzoM DelgadoJ RavenCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardF Coffee
31C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardB Holmes
32C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonE RaymondL SkylizardF Coffee
33C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoJ RavenCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardI Grover
34C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardS Cook
35C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoJ RavenM FineCW TennisC PoonE RaymondL SkylizardF Coffee
36C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardB Holmes
37C DunphyS KoolimoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonE RaymondL SkylizardI Grover
38S KoolimoA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardB Snart
39C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisE RaymondT SweetsterL SkylizardF Coffee
40C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardB Holmes
41C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoJ RavenM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardI Grover
42C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisE RaymondT SweetsterS KoolimoF Coffee
43S KoolimoA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardB Holmes
44C DunphyA MachadoJ RavenM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonE RaymondL SkylizardI Grover
45C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardF Coffee
46C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonE RaymondL SkylizardB Holmes
47C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoJ RavenCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardI Grover
48C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterL SkylizardF Coffee
49C DunphyA MachadoJ RavenM DelgadoM FineCW TennisE RaymondT SweetsterL SkylizardB Holmes
50C DunphyA MachadoS BronzoM DelgadoM FineCW TennisC PoonT SweetsterS KoolimoI Grover

By lineup position

1T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC Dunphy
2T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC Dunphy
3T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoS BronzoC DunphyJ Raven
4T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC Dunphy
5C PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM FineS BronzoC DunphyJ RavenE Raymond
6T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC Dunphy
7T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC Dunphy
8T SweetsterCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineC DunphyJ RavenE Raymond
9T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM FineS BronzoS KoolimoJ Raven
10T SweetsterCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC DunphyE Raymond
11T SweetsterC PoonA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineJ RavenS KoolimoE Raymond
12C PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC DunphyE Raymond
13T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisL SkylizardM FineS BronzoC DunphyJ RavenS Koolimo
14C PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoS KoolimoE Raymond
15T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC Dunphy
16C PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC DunphyE Raymond
17T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC DunphyS Koolimo
18T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM FineS BronzoC DunphyJ Raven
19T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoS Koolimo
20T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoM FineS BronzoC DunphyS KoolimoJ Raven
21T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC Dunphy
22C PoonCW TennisL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC DunphyE RaymondS Koolimo
23T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM FineS BronzoC DunphyJ Raven
24C PoonCW TennisA MachadoM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC DunphyE RaymondS Koolimo
25T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM FineS BronzoJ RavenS Koolimo
26T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC DunphyS Koolimo
27T SweetsterCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC DunphyE Raymond
28T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineC DunphyJ Raven
29C PoonCW TennisA MachadoM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC DunphyS KoolimoE Raymond
30T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisL SkylizardM DelgadoS BronzoC DunphyS KoolimoJ Raven
31T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC Dunphy
32C PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC DunphyE Raymond
33T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoS BronzoC DunphyJ Raven
34T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC Dunphy
35C PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM FineS BronzoC DunphyJ RavenE Raymond
36T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC Dunphy
37C PoonCW TennisL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC DunphyS KoolimoE Raymond
38T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoS Koolimo
39T SweetsterCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC DunphyE Raymond
40T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC Dunphy
41T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM FineS BronzoC DunphyJ Raven
42T SweetsterCW TennisA MachadoM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC DunphyE RaymondS Koolimo
43T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoS Koolimo
44C PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineC DunphyE RaymondJ Raven
45T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC Dunphy
46C PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC DunphyE Raymond
47T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoS BronzoC DunphyJ Raven
48T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC Dunphy
49T SweetsterCW TennisA MachadoL SkylizardM DelgadoM FineC DunphyE RaymondJ Raven
50T SweetsterC PoonCW TennisA MachadoM DelgadoM FineS BronzoC DunphyS Koolimo

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