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Sao Paulo Southpaws Positions Matrix, Year 96

By position

1G PowerE ParsonsR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodDrake
2G PowerE ParsonsR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodC Peanutbutter
3G PowerE ParsonsR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaS FoxM WardThe Great Tentacled GodJ Connelly
4G PowerE ParsonsR MaschioJo HowardM CarverPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodDrake
5G PowerE ParsonsR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsS FoxM BeaverJ Connelly
6G PowerE ParsonsR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodC Guisewite
7G PowerE ParsonsR MaschioP PevensieTumnusPauletaS FoxM WardM BeaverDrake
8G PowerE ParsonsR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodP Buttigieg
9G PowerE ParsonsM CarverJo HowardTumnusM BeaverC ConnorsS FoxThe Great Tentacled GodC Guisewite
10G PowerE ParsonsR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodDrake
11G PowerE ParsonsR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodJ Connelly
12G PowerE ParsonsR MaschioP PevensieTumnusPauletaC ConnorsS FoxM BeaverP Buttigieg
13G PowerE ParsonsR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodC Guisewite
14G PowerP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsS FoxM BeaverDrake
15G PowerE ParsonsR MaschioP PevensieTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodJ Connelly
16S FoxE ParsonsM CarverJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodP Buttigieg
17G PowerE ParsonsR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodC Guisewite
18G PowerE ParsonsR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaS FoxM WardThe Great Tentacled GodDrake
19G PowerP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodJ Connelly
20G PowerP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardM BeaverP Buttigieg
21G PowerP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardM CarverPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodDrake
22G PowerP PevensieM CarverJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodC Guisewite
23G PowerP BlackR MaschioP PevensieM CarverPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodJ Connelly
24G PowerP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardTumnusM BeaverC ConnorsS FoxThe Great Tentacled GodDrake
25G PowerP PevensieM CarverJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodP Buttigieg
26G PowerP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardM CarverPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodC Guisewite
27G PowerP BlackM CarverP PevensieTumnusPauletaS FoxM WardThe Great Tentacled GodDrake
28G PowerP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodP Buttigieg
29G PowerP BlackR MaschioJo HowardM CarverPauletaS FoxM WardM BeaverJ Connelly
30G PowerP PevensieM CarverJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodC Guisewite
31G PowerP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardTumnusM BeaverC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodP Buttigieg
32G PowerP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsS FoxThe Great Tentacled GodJ Connelly
33G PowerP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodDrake
34G PowerP PevensieM CarverJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodC Guisewite
35G PowerP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardTumnusM BeaverS FoxM WardThe Great Tentacled GodW Coodchuck-Berkowitz
36G PowerP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodJ Connelly
37G PowerP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsS FoxThe Great Tentacled GodP Buttigieg
38G PowerP BlackR MaschioP PevensieTumnusPauletaS FoxM WardThe Great Tentacled GodDrake
39G PowerP PevensieM CarverJo HowardTumnusM BeaverC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodC Guisewite
40G PowerP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodJ Connelly
41S FoxP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodP Buttigieg
42G PowerP BlackR MaschioP PevensieTumnusPauletaS FoxM WardThe Great Tentacled GodW Coodchuck-Berkowitz
43G PowerP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodDrake
44G PowerP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodJ Connelly
45G PowerP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardM CarverPauletaS FoxM WardThe Great Tentacled GodP Buttigieg
46G PowerP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodW Coodchuck-Berkowitz
47G PowerP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodJ Connelly
48G PowerP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardM CarverM BeaverS FoxM WardThe Great Tentacled GodDrake
49G PowerP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardTumnusPauletaC ConnorsM WardM BeaverC Guisewite
50G PowerP PevensieR MaschioJo HowardM CarverM BeaverC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodDrake

By lineup position

1PauletaC ConnorsM WardE ParsonsThe Great Tentacled GodR MaschioTumnusG PowerJo Howard
2PauletaC ConnorsM WardE ParsonsThe Great Tentacled GodR MaschioTumnusG PowerJo Howard
3PauletaM WardE ParsonsThe Great Tentacled GodR MaschioTumnusG PowerJo HowardS Fox
4PauletaC ConnorsM WardE ParsonsThe Great Tentacled GodR MaschioG PowerJo HowardM Carver
5PauletaC ConnorsE ParsonsR MaschioTumnusG PowerJo HowardS FoxM Beaver
6PauletaC ConnorsM WardE ParsonsThe Great Tentacled GodR MaschioTumnusG PowerJo Howard
7PauletaM WardE ParsonsR MaschioTumnusG PowerS FoxM BeaverP Pevensie
8PauletaC ConnorsM WardE ParsonsThe Great Tentacled GodR MaschioTumnusG PowerJo Howard
9C ConnorsE ParsonsThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusG PowerJo HowardM BeaverM CarverS Fox
10PauletaC ConnorsM WardE ParsonsThe Great Tentacled GodR MaschioTumnusG PowerJo Howard
11PauletaC ConnorsM WardE ParsonsThe Great Tentacled GodR MaschioTumnusG PowerJo Howard
12PauletaC ConnorsE ParsonsR MaschioTumnusG PowerM BeaverP PevensieS Fox
13PauletaC ConnorsM WardE ParsonsThe Great Tentacled GodR MaschioTumnusG PowerJo Howard
14PauletaC ConnorsR MaschioTumnusG PowerJo HowardM BeaverP PevensieS Fox
15PauletaC ConnorsM WardE ParsonsThe Great Tentacled GodR MaschioTumnusG PowerP Pevensie
16PauletaC ConnorsM WardE ParsonsThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusJo HowardM CarverS Fox
17PauletaC ConnorsM WardE ParsonsThe Great Tentacled GodR MaschioTumnusG PowerJo Howard
18PauletaM WardE ParsonsThe Great Tentacled GodR MaschioTumnusG PowerJo HowardS Fox
19PauletaR MaschioC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieG PowerJo Howard
20PauletaR MaschioC ConnorsM WardTumnusP PevensieG PowerJo HowardM Beaver
21PauletaR MaschioC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodP PevensieG PowerJo HowardM Carver
22PauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieG PowerJo HowardM Carver
23PauletaR MaschioC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodP PevensieG PowerP BlackM Carver
24R MaschioC ConnorsThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieG PowerJo HowardS FoxM Beaver
25PauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieG PowerJo HowardM Carver
26PauletaR MaschioC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodP PevensieG PowerJo HowardM Carver
27PauletaM WardThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieG PowerP BlackM CarverS Fox
28PauletaR MaschioC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieG PowerJo Howard
29PauletaR MaschioM WardG PowerJo HowardM BeaverM CarverS FoxP Black
30PauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieG PowerJo HowardM Carver
31R MaschioC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieG PowerJo HowardM Beaver
32PauletaR MaschioC ConnorsThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieG PowerJo HowardS Fox
33PauletaR MaschioC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieG PowerJo Howard
34PauletaC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieG PowerJo HowardM Carver
35R MaschioM WardThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieG PowerJo HowardS FoxM Beaver
36PauletaR MaschioC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieG PowerJo Howard
37PauletaR MaschioC ConnorsThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieG PowerJo HowardS Fox
38PauletaR MaschioM WardThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieG PowerP BlackS Fox
39C ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieG PowerJo HowardM CarverM Beaver
40PauletaR MaschioC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieG PowerJo Howard
41PauletaR MaschioC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieJo HowardS Fox
42PauletaR MaschioM WardThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieG PowerS FoxP Black
43PauletaR MaschioC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieG PowerJo Howard
44PauletaR MaschioC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieG PowerJo Howard
45PauletaR MaschioM WardThe Great Tentacled GodP PevensieG PowerJo HowardS FoxM Carver
46PauletaR MaschioC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieG PowerJo Howard
47PauletaR MaschioC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodTumnusP PevensieG PowerJo Howard
48R MaschioM WardThe Great Tentacled GodP PevensieG PowerJo HowardS FoxM CarverM Beaver
49PauletaR MaschioC ConnorsM WardTumnusP PevensieG PowerJo HowardM Beaver
50R MaschioC ConnorsM WardThe Great Tentacled GodP PevensieG PowerJo HowardM CarverM Beaver

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