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Year 117 Batting Leaders (before games of day 3-8)

1.Pytheos (APX)0.411
2.P Smoke (CPT)0.408
S Lint (SJS)0.408
4.W Rotcleaver (MTG)0.396
5.K Bush (SEA)0.391
6.Oin (PAD)0.390
7.H Jumper (SJS)0.376
8.P Pogba (KRA-SJS)0.375
9.W Maximoff (BAL)0.374
10.T Scott (INT)0.359
On-Base %
1.Oin (PAD)0.517
2.K Bush (SEA)0.507
3.S Lint (SJS)0.495
4.P Smoke (CPT)0.489
5.H Jumper (SJS)0.465
6.Mickle (PAD)0.448
7.Paris (TAT)0.447
8.B Bowe (ARK)0.442
9.D Do'Urden (MTG)0.439
10.Pytheos (APX)0.435
Slugging %
1.Pytheos (APX)0.798
2.W Rotcleaver (MTG)0.721
3.K Bush (SEA)0.659
H Jumper (SJS)0.659
5.Oin (PAD)0.635
6.P Smoke (CPT)0.632
7.B Bowe (ARK)0.622
8.JT Bo (ARK)0.613
9.Yt Sylvander (LAL)0.604
10.S Smith (INT)0.600
1.Pytheos (APX)1.233
2.K Bush (SEA)1.166
3.Oin (PAD)1.152
4.W Rotcleaver (MTG)1.143
5.H Jumper (SJS)1.124
6.P Smoke (CPT)1.121
7.B Bowe (ARK)1.064
8.S Lint (SJS)1.056
9.Yt Sylvander (LAL)1.028
10.P Pogba (KRA-SJS)0.997
Win Probability Added
1.H Jumper (SJS)3.071
2.W Rotcleaver (MTG)3.055
3.T Chandler (BAL)2.562
4.K Bush (SEA)2.460
5.Pytheos (APX)2.454
6.Oin (PAD)2.428
7.W Maximoff (BAL)2.113
8.Mickle (PAD)2.053
9.I Hammam (SEA)1.871
10.R Chip (MTG)1.785
Win Shares
1.Oin (PAD)4.84
2.K Bush (SEA)4.36
3.Paris (TAT)4.07
4.W Rotcleaver (MTG)3.87
5.Pytheos (APX)3.67
6.B Bowe (ARK)3.56
7.P Pogba (KRA-SJS)3.52
8.Agrippa (APX)3.49
9.H Jumper (SJS)3.28
10.W Maximoff (BAL)3.04
Offensive Runs Above Position
1.Oin (PAD)28.8
2.K Bush (SEA)25.8
3.W Rotcleaver (MTG)24.2
4.Pytheos (APX)23.3
5.B Bowe (ARK)19.4
6.P Smoke (CPT)19.0
7.H Jumper (SJS)18.0
8.P Pogba (KRA-SJS)17.7
9.Agrippa (APX)17.5
10.Paris (TAT)16.4
Runs Above Position
1.Oin (PAD)34.3
2.K Bush (SEA)28.7
3.Pytheos (APX)25.9
4.B Bowe (ARK)24.4
5.Paris (TAT)23.6
6.W Rotcleaver (MTG)23.4
7.Agrippa (APX)19.7
8.P Smoke (CPT)19.0
9.P Pogba (KRA-SJS)17.9
10.W Maximoff (BAL)17.1
Games Played
1.R Kent (LAL)50
whinderssonnunes (INT)50
C Ward (BAL)50
Storm of Steel (ARK)50
5.C Jacuzzi (LIS)49
C Boycott (LIS)49
7.7 with48
1.P Pogba (KRA-SJS)216
2.St Hilary (KRA)212
3.C Jacuzzi (LIS)205
4.whinderssonnunes (INT)202
John III (VAT)202
6.SS Liu (STR)200
7.W Rotcleaver (MTG)197
8.SypherPK (INT)196
T Good (SEA)196
10.JT Bo (ARK)194
Plate Appearances
1.P Pogba (KRA-SJS)225
2.C Jacuzzi (LIS)224
3.SypherPK (INT)222
4.St Hilary (KRA)221
K Bush (SEA)221
S Giertz (INT)221
7.John III (VAT)219
8.BB Wolf (TOK)216
9.SS Liu (STR)213
10.whinderssonnunes (INT)212
Runs Scored
1.H Jumper (SJS)42
2.K Bush (SEA)41
3.P Pogba (KRA-SJS)38
Oin (PAD)38
S Lint (SJS)38
6.John III (VAT)37
7.W Rotcleaver (MTG)36
8.W Maximoff (BAL)35
9.Pytheos (APX)34
Agrippa (APX)34
1.P Pogba (KRA-SJS)81
2.W Rotcleaver (MTG)78
3.C Jacuzzi (LIS)70
K Bush (SEA)70
5.W Maximoff (BAL)68
6.Pytheos (APX)67
7.T Scott (INT)66
8.H Jumper (SJS)65
9.4 with64
Line Drives
1.W Rotcleaver (MTG)66
2.P Smoke (CPT)46
T Good (SEA)46
4.whinderssonnunes (INT)45
5.F Fflam (PAD)44
6.L Capulet (STR)43
7.The Goat God (VAT)40
Lord of Terror (ARK)40
To Brands (TAT)40
10.2 with39
1.K Bush (SEA)3.80
2.A Seyfried (TOK)3.71
3.Dori (VAT)3.68
4.S Giertz (INT)3.66
5.Oin (PAD)3.46
6.Agrippa (APX)3.42
7.B Bowen (BAL)3.40
8.SypherPK (INT)3.39
Eloise (MTG)3.39
10.2 with3.37
Total Bases
1.W Rotcleaver (MTG)142
2.Pytheos (APX)130
3.P Pogba (KRA-SJS)129
4.JT Bo (ARK)119
5.K Bush (SEA)118
6.H Jumper (SJS)114
7.Yt Sylvander (LAL)110
8.John III (VAT)106
9.Antenor (LIS)104
10.2 with101
1.W Rotcleaver (MTG)18
2.P Smoke (CPT)16
K Bush (SEA)16
M Balotelli (KRA)16
R Chip (MTG)16
6.Yt Sylvander (LAL)14
T Scott (INT)14
Hulk (KRA)14
Lord of Terror (ARK)14
D McLean (ARK)14
1.F Fflam (PAD)6
2.Tybalt (STR)5
W Maximoff (BAL)5
4.Yt Sylvander (LAL)4
K Bush (SEA)4
6.12 with3
Home Runs
1.Pytheos (APX)18
2.M Mora (LAL)16
3.JT Bo (ARK)15
4.W Rotcleaver (MTG)14
5.E Landau (TAT)13
Adeodatus II (VAT)13
H Jumper (SJS)13
8.SypherPK (INT)12
P Pogba (KRA-SJS)12
Antenor (LIS)12
1.JT Bo (ARK)44
2.Pytheos (APX)43
3.W Rotcleaver (MTG)41
4.M Mora (LAL)39
whinderssonnunes (INT)39
6.M Ginobili (BAL)38
7.I Hammam (SEA)37
8.H Jumper (SJS)36
9.B Rosenworcel (ARK)35
E Landau (TAT)35
1.S Giertz (INT)42
2.Oin (PAD)41
3.K Bush (SEA)39
4.A Seyfried (TOK)35
5.K Sørland (MIL)34
6.M Grudt (MIL)33
7.C Ward (BAL)30
Xander (MTG)30
9.Paris (TAT)29
Eloise (MTG)29
Stolen Bases
1.Tybalt (STR)18
2.Agrippa (APX)17
3.Oin (PAD)16
4.W Maximoff (BAL)15
5.S Lint (SJS)13
6.P Pogba (KRA-SJS)12
7.John III (VAT)10
Toxrilll (MTG)10
9.3 with9
Stolen Base %
1.Tybalt (STR)0.857
2.Oin (PAD)0.842
3.Agrippa (APX)0.773
4.S Lint (SJS)0.722
5.P Pogba (KRA-SJS)0.706
6.John III (VAT)0.588
Toxrilll (MTG)0.588
8.W Maximoff (BAL)0.577
9.3 with0.529
1.P Pogba (KRA-SJS)58
2.C Jacuzzi (LIS)54
3.S Lint (SJS)52
W Maximoff (BAL)52
5.D Do'Urden (MTG)47
Libon (APX)47
7.Paris (TAT)46
T Good (SEA)46
Ulysses (STR)46
L Capulet (STR)46
Times on Base
1.K Bush (SEA)112
2.Oin (PAD)104
3.H Jumper (SJS)94
4.Paris (TAT)93
5.S Lint (SJS)91
6.P Pogba (KRA-SJS)90
7.C Jacuzzi (LIS)89
8.D Do'Urden (MTG)87
Yt Sylvander (LAL)87
W Rotcleaver (MTG)87
Extra-Base Hits
1.W Rotcleaver (MTG)34
2.K Bush (SEA)28
3.M Mora (LAL)27
JT Bo (ARK)27
5.Pytheos (APX)26
Yt Sylvander (LAL)26
7.Antenor (LIS)24
M Balotelli (KRA)24
9.6 with23
Isolated Power
1.Pytheos (APX)0.387
2.M Mora (LAL)0.333
3.W Rotcleaver (MTG)0.325
4.S Smith (INT)0.307
5.JT Bo (ARK)0.304
6.H Jumper (SJS)0.283
7.K Bush (SEA)0.268
8.B Bowe (ARK)0.265
9.Adeodatus II (VAT)0.259
10.2 with0.254
Avg on Balls in Play
1.K Bush (SEA)0.434
2.Pytheos (APX)0.419
3.W Rotcleaver (MTG)0.418
S Lint (SJS)0.418
5.Toxrilll (MTG)0.417
6.P Smoke (CPT)0.415
7.W Maximoff (BAL)0.413
8.T Scott (INT)0.400
9.P Pogba (KRA-SJS)0.399
10.Oin (PAD)0.398
Game-winning RBI
1.P Pogba (KRA-SJS)8
I Hammam (SEA)8
3.Oin (PAD)6
B Bowen (BAL)6
M Ginobili (BAL)6
GothamChess (INT)6
7.10 with5

Minimum 3.1 plate appearances per team game needed to qualify for hitting rate stats
Italics = adjusted stats for unqualified players

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