Roster for Lisbon Eponyms:
- 9640 Chareth Cutestory, 19, 1b
- 9652 Thomas Bayes, 21, 2b
- 9857 David Dunning, 21, 2b
- 9663 Joseph Fourier, 19, 3b
- 9666 Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet, 20, ss
- 9203 Mynoghra, 25, lf
- 9517 Amber Hagerman, 22, rf
- 9731 Isabel Briggs Myers, 20, rf
- 9883 John Macadam, 18, rf
- 9833 Zimone Quandrix Prodigy, 20, rf
- 9027 Joey Pogo, 29, rp
- 8745 Neal McBeal the Navy Seal, 33, rp
- 9512 Charles Ponzi, 21, rp
- 9649 Leonardo Fibonacci, 19, rp
- 9901 Salvatore Sirigu, 20, rp
- 9890 The Lady, 17, lf
- 9877 John Montagu 4th Earl of Sandwich, 17, lf
- 9849 James Harvey Logan, 18, 2b
- 9850 Maria Ann Smith, 18, 3b
- 9642 Jimbertson Vapor, 19, 2b
- 9763 George Everest, 19, 2b