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Year 138 Batting Leaders (before games of day 3-8)

1.C Tyrrell (MIL)0.435
2.K Mbappe (KRA)0.416
Sabrina R (INT)0.416
4.The Birth-Womb of the Great Old Ones (ARK)0.398
5.P Carti (CPT)0.367
6.Runadi (MTG)0.365
7.W Goldsmith (SEA)0.361
8.J Jonas (SEA)0.359
9.Piazza (KRA)0.354
10.B Spears (SEA)0.351
On-Base %
1.H Williams (SEA)0.482
2.C Tyrrell (MIL)0.481
3.The Birth-Womb of the Great Old Ones (ARK)0.459
4.Sabrina R (INT)0.455
5.K Mbappe (KRA)0.453
6.Yao M (BAL)0.448
7.B Spears (SEA)0.447
8.Runadi (MTG)0.434
9.S Puckett (LAL)0.430
10.2 with0.429
Slugging %
1.B Spears (SEA)0.757
2.The Birth-Womb of the Great Old Ones (ARK)0.694
3.H Gernsback (LIS)0.648
4.J Jonas (SEA)0.635
5.J Heynckes (KRA)0.619
6.Sabrina R (INT)0.590
7.C Tyrrell (MIL)0.578
8.P Farrell (SEA)0.575
9.P Carti (CPT)0.572
10.Runadi (MTG)0.545
1.B Spears (SEA)1.204
2.The Birth-Womb of the Great Old Ones (ARK)1.153
3.C Tyrrell (MIL)1.059
4.J Jonas (SEA)1.057
5.Sabrina R (INT)1.045
6.H Williams (SEA)1.025
7.J Heynckes (KRA)1.006
8.Runadi (MTG)0.979
9.P Carti (CPT)0.965
10.H Gernsback (LIS)0.953
Win Probability Added
1.Bianca (SEA)2.429
2.Sabrina R (INT)2.150
3.The Birth-Womb of the Great Old Ones (ARK)2.052
4.B Spears (SEA)2.020
5.Baudin (MCA)1.727
6.S Adamu (LAL)1.591
7.S Puckett (LAL)1.565
8.H Gernsback (LIS)1.509
9.Yao M (BAL)1.457
10.K Mbappe (KRA)1.426
Win Shares
1.B Spears (SEA)5.16
2.The Birth-Womb of the Great Old Ones (ARK)4.49
3.Buffalo Bill (LAL)4.13
4.Yao M (BAL)3.71
5.Coutinho (KRA)3.62
6.H Williams (SEA)3.33
7.B Esser (CAM)3.21
8.Tintin (PAD)3.08
9.Runadi (MTG)3.01
10.Bianca (SEA)2.88
Offensive Runs Above Position
1.B Spears (SEA)29.7
2.The Birth-Womb of the Great Old Ones (ARK)28.4
3.H Williams (SEA)24.5
4.Runadi (MTG)16.8
5.J Heynckes (KRA)15.9
6.Sabrina R (INT)15.2
7.J Jonas (SEA)13.6
8.Buffalo Bill (LAL)13.1
9.C Tyrrell (MIL)12.8
10.Legolas (MTG)12.1
Runs Above Position
1.B Spears (SEA)35.8
2.The Birth-Womb of the Great Old Ones (ARK)29.6
3.H Williams (SEA)21.3
4.Buffalo Bill (LAL)20.9
5.Coutinho (KRA)19.2
6.Runadi (MTG)18.0
7.Sabrina R (INT)17.6
8.B Esser (CAM)17.2
9.Bianca (SEA)15.7
10.Tintin (PAD)15.1
Games Played
1.Topper (MCA)50
H Williams (SEA)50
3.Legolas (MTG)49
T Breidinger (MIL)49
D Milicic (BAL)49
S Pataki (LAL)49
P Yakovlev (APX)49
C Bailey (MIL)49
9.5 with48
1.H Williams (SEA)197
2.H Gernsback (LIS)196
3.Ulamog (MTG)195
4.Topper (MCA)193
S Adamu (LAL)193
6.D Matrix (CAM)192
A Martini (LIS)192
Coutinho (KRA)192
9.3 with191
Plate Appearances
1.H Williams (SEA)247
2.Bianca (SEA)219
J Klein (MCA)219
4.B Spears (SEA)217
5.Legolas (MTG)213
Topper (MCA)213
7.S Pataki (LAL)211
8.Buffalo Bill (LAL)210
9.Agrippa 2 (STR)209
10.Misty (PAD)208
Runs Scored
1.The Birth-Womb of the Great Old Ones (ARK)51
2.B Spears (SEA)49
3.H Williams (SEA)48
4.Legolas (MTG)36
5.Bianca (SEA)35
Coutinho (KRA)35
7.K Mbappe (KRA)34
P Farrell (SEA)34
W Goldsmith (SEA)34
10.2 with33
1.The Birth-Womb of the Great Old Ones (ARK)74
2.Sabrina R (INT)69
H Williams (SEA)69
4.K Mbappe (KRA)67
5.B Spears (SEA)65
6.C Tyrrell (MIL)64
7.P Carti (CPT)61
8.4 with60
Line Drives
1.C Tyrrell (MIL)56
2.Agrippa 2 (STR)47
3.D Matrix (CAM)46
Saruman (VAT)46
Future (PAD)46
6.A Martini (LIS)45
7.P Carti (CPT)44
8.Piazza (KRA)43
J Kahawaty (CPT)43
J Harden (BAL)43
1.H Williams (SEA)3.73
2.Fain (WOT)3.64
3.E Robin (MIL)3.61
4.TR Dunn (BAL)3.60
5.Je Banks (LAL)3.54
Buffalo Bill (LAL)3.54
7.Leane (WOT)3.52
8.Iras (STR)3.49
9.Zito (KRA)3.47
10.2 with3.46
Total Bases
1.B Spears (SEA)140
2.The Birth-Womb of the Great Old Ones (ARK)129
3.H Gernsback (LIS)127
4.J Heynckes (KRA)109
5.H Williams (SEA)107
6.J Jonas (SEA)106
7.S Adamu (LAL)105
8.P Farrell (SEA)104
9.Coutinho (KRA)103
10.R Wrana (APX)102
1.Misty (PAD)17
H Potter (PAD)17
H Williams (SEA)15
S Adamu (LAL)15
6.Sabrina R (INT)14
7.M Healy (SEA)13
Nyctelios (ARK)13
Saruman (VAT)13
E Robin (MIL)13
1.The Birth-Womb of the Great Old Ones (ARK)6
2.P Farrell (SEA)5
3.K Ledecky (LPM)4
Oddjob (LPM)4
C Xcel (CPT)4
K Bunny (PAD)4
Coffeezilla (INT)4
Z Friedmanszky (KRA)4
Coutinho (KRA)4
10.10 with3
Home Runs
1.B Spears (SEA)22
2.H Gernsback (LIS)18
3.R Wrana (APX)13
4.P Farrell (SEA)12
J Heynckes (KRA)12
J Jonas (SEA)12
The Birth-Womb of the Great Old Ones (ARK)12
B Dessner (VAT)12
S Adamu (LAL)12
PeruseProject (INT)12
1.B Spears (SEA)60
2.R Wrana (APX)47
3.Bianca (SEA)45
4.H Gernsback (LIS)41
5.P Farrell (SEA)37
6.Legolas (MTG)36
J Heynckes (KRA)36
PeruseProject (INT)36
9.S Adamu (LAL)35
10.2 with33
1.H Williams (SEA)50
2.S Puckett (LAL)43
3.A Perry (LIS)41
4.Bianca (SEA)37
5.TR Dunn (BAL)35
Yao M (BAL)35
7.JL Spears (STR)34
Tintin (PAD)34
9.Su Bird (LPM)33
10.2 with32
Stolen Bases
1.The Birth-Womb of the Great Old Ones (ARK)41
2.K Mbappe (KRA)38
3.Runadi (MTG)31
4.Arwen (MTG)29
5.Proculeius (STR)23
6.JW Fulbright (LIS)21
7.M Cowe (MIL)17
8.C Tyrrell (MIL)16
Buffalo Bill (LAL)16
10.3 with15
Stolen Base %
1.Runadi (MTG)0.861
2.The Birth-Womb of the Great Old Ones (ARK)0.854
3.Arwen (MTG)0.853
4.M Cowe (MIL)0.850
5.Proculeius (STR)0.821
6.K Mbappe (KRA)0.792
7.H Williams (SEA)0.789
Tayschrenn (MCA)0.789
9.P Carti (CPT)0.778
10.Laseen (MCA)0.765
1.K Mbappe (KRA)57
2.Sabrina R (INT)50
3.C Tyrrell (MIL)49
The Birth-Womb of the Great Old Ones (ARK)49
5.W Goldsmith (SEA)48
6.Buffalo Bill (LAL)46
H Williams (SEA)46
8.Bianca (SEA)45
JW Fulbright (LIS)45
10.4 with44
Times on Base
1.H Williams (SEA)119
2.B Spears (SEA)97
3.The Birth-Womb of the Great Old Ones (ARK)95
4.Bianca (SEA)94
5.Buffalo Bill (LAL)90
6.Yao M (BAL)87
7.Legolas (MTG)83
Tintin (PAD)83
9.Misty (PAD)82
10.Sabrina R (INT)81
Extra-Base Hits
1.H Gernsback (LIS)33
2.B Spears (SEA)31
3.S Adamu (LAL)28
4.J Heynckes (KRA)25
The Birth-Womb of the Great Old Ones (ARK)25
H Potter (PAD)25
7.R Wrana (APX)24
8.Legolas (MTG)23
H Williams (SEA)23
10.4 with22
Isolated Power
1.B Spears (SEA)0.406
2.H Gernsback (LIS)0.367
3.The Birth-Womb of the Great Old Ones (ARK)0.296
4.J Heynckes (KRA)0.295
5.P Farrell (SEA)0.282
6.J Jonas (SEA)0.276
7.S Adamu (LAL)0.275
8.R Wrana (APX)0.267
9.B Dessner (VAT)0.266
10.Legolas (MTG)0.244
Avg on Balls in Play
1.Sabrina R (INT)0.516
2.C Tyrrell (MIL)0.513
3.K Mbappe (KRA)0.508
4.Piazza (KRA)0.421
5.Runadi (MTG)0.419
6.P Carti (CPT)0.414
7.The Birth-Womb of the Great Old Ones (ARK)0.411
8.W Goldsmith (SEA)0.393
9.M Abbott (LPM)0.388
10.Saruman (VAT)0.381
Game-winning RBI
1.B Spears (SEA)10
2.J Jonas (SEA)9
3.Henry V (STR)8
4.Je Banks (LAL)6
R Wrana (APX)6
Bianca (SEA)6
The Birth-Womb of the Great Old Ones (ARK)6
Iras (STR)6
Cee (WOT)6
10.13 with5

Minimum 3.1 plate appearances per team game needed to qualify for hitting rate stats
Italics = adjusted stats for unqualified players

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