Arkham (12-7)011011000004
Cambridge (8-11)030000010026
log // graph // replay // Played at Car Talk Plaza

Hitting for Arkham Old Ones

lfThe Birth-Womb of the Great Old Ones400011-0.1288.710.802
rfBotsu501000-0.0997.110.9412B (3); OFA (3)
dhYibb-Tstll5222010.1556.651.0392 HR (7)
2bThe Child-Minded God400001-0.1116.161.039HBP (2); SB (3)
ssThe Blood-Mad God of the Void5121000.1316.620.948HR (1)
1bKthanid410000-0.0895.980.782HBP (1)
3bGod of the Celestial Arcs5011010.0346.760.8403B (3)
cOukranos4030110.0546.230.7202B (3)
cfMril Thorion501000-0.23610.190.802GIDP (1)

Pitching for Arkham Old Ones

Black Goat of the Woods7.2541821095455-0.12964.513.92
Lord of the Universal Spaces10001216880.0998.691.86
The Render of the Veils1.110012197120.18833.461.38
The Source of Uncleanliness022100404-0.3696.006.75L (1-1)

Hitting for Cambridge Mechanics

1bU Up4123200.38713.370.889HR (2)
rfD Shutt500003-0.23310.610.610OFA (6)
lfJ Walker300020-0.1048.150.683
cfM Turnov5010000.1888.090.5413B (1)
dhW McDrive511001-0.17010.930.553
cC Antenna3121200.44514.890.696HR (1)
ssD Snice410011-0.17016.570.723
3bG Overnow310021-0.28916.270.945GIDP (1)
2bD Matrix4122100.15813.790.8962B (5)

Pitching for Cambridge Mechanics

L Duran5.164321702743-0.23531.117.53
C Dating3.1200023211210.22915.426.43
C Desofa2.120002275220.29417.883.77W (1-0)